The file containing the source code shown below is located in the corresponding directory in <sdk>/samples/android-<version>/...
// Fountain test script #pragma version(1) #pragma rs java_package_name( #pragma stateFragment(parent) #include "rs_graphics.rsh" static int newPart = 0; rs_mesh partMesh; typedef struct __attribute__((packed, aligned(4))) Point { float2 delta; float2 position; uchar4 color; } Point_t; Point_t *point; int root() { float dt = min(rsGetDt(), 0.1f); rsgClearColor(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f); const float height = rsgGetHeight(); const int size = rsAllocationGetDimX(rsGetAllocation(point)); float dy2 = dt * (10.f); Point_t * p = point; for (int ct=0; ct < size; ct++) { p->delta.y += dy2; p->position += p->delta; if ((p->position.y > height) && (p->delta.y > 0)) { p->delta.y *= -0.3f; } p++; } rsgDrawMesh(partMesh); return 1; } static float4 partColor[10]; void addParticles(int rate, float x, float y, int index, bool newColor) { if (newColor) { partColor[index].x = rsRand(0.5f, 1.0f); partColor[index].y = rsRand(1.0f); partColor[index].z = rsRand(1.0f); } float rMax = ((float)rate) * 0.02f; int size = rsAllocationGetDimX(rsGetAllocation(point)); uchar4 c = rsPackColorTo8888(partColor[index]); Point_t * np = &point[newPart]; float2 p = {x, y}; while (rate--) { float angle = rsRand(3.14f * 2.f); float len = rsRand(rMax); np->delta.x = len * sin(angle); np->delta.y = len * cos(angle); np->position = p; np->color = c; newPart++; np++; if (newPart >= size) { newPart = 0; np = &point[newPart]; } } }