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WiFiDirectDemo - Wi-Fi Direct Demo

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This is a demo application highlighting how to make peer to peer network connections with the Wi-Fi Direct APIs. The application allows you to transfer jpeg images from the gallery after a succesful connection.

The source code for this demo app shows how to accomplish three key things with Wi-Fi Direct APIs: Discovering peers, connecting using Wi-Fi Direct APIs, and finding group details post connection, so that a TCP socket can be opened to transfer files.

The application includes:

  • WiFiDirectActivity — the main Activity that contains two fragments to handle app's UI and peer lifecycle. It also registers a broadcast receiver for Wi-Fi Direct related events.
  • WiFiDirectBroadcastReceiver — a BroadcastReceiver that listens for Wi-Fi Direct related events and passes them to WiFiDirectActivity and it's fragments for neccesary action.
  • DeviceListFragment — a ListFragment that displays available peers and their status.
  • DeviceDetailFragment — a Fragment that displays the details of the selected device and also drives the connection, disonnection and data transfer functionality of the demo.
  • FileTransferService — an IntentService that services file transfer requests from the application by using TCP sockets.

If you are developing an application that uses the Wi-Fi Direct APIs, remember that the feature is supported only on Android 4.0 (API level 14) and higher versions of the platform. To ensure that your application can only be installed on devices that are capable of supporting Wi-Fi Direct mode, remember to add the following to the application's manifest before publishing to Android Market:

  • <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="14" />, which indicates to Android Market and the platform that your application requires Android 4.0 or higher. For more information, see API Levels and the documentation for the <uses-sdk> element.

To control how Android Market filters your application from devices that do not support Wi-Fi Direct mode, remember to add the following to the application's manifest

  • <uses-feature android:name="" />, which tells Android Market that your application uses the Wi-Fi Direct API. The declaration should include an android:required attribute that indicates whether you want Android Market to filter the application from devices that do not offer Wi-Fi Direct support. Other <uses-feature> declarations may also be needed, depending on your implementation. For more information, see the documentation for the <uses-feature> element.

For more information about using the Wi-Fi Direct API, see the documentation.

