Achievements.LoadAchievementsResult |
Result delivered when achievement data has been loaded.
Achievements.UpdateAchievementResult |
Result delivered when achievement data has been updated (revealed, unlocked
or incremented).
AppStateManager.StateConflictResult |
Result retrieved from AppStateManager.StateResult when a conflict is detected while loading app
AppStateManager.StateDeletedResult |
Result delivered when app state data has been deleted.
AppStateManager.StateListResult |
Result delivered when app state data has been loaded.
AppStateManager.StateLoadedResult |
Result retrieved from AppStateManager.StateResult when app state data has been loaded successfully.
AppStateManager.StateResult |
Result of an operation that could potentially generate a state conflict.
AutocompletePredictionBuffer |
A DataBuffer that represents a list of AutocompletePredictionEntitys.
BatchResult |
The result of a batch operation.
BleDevicesResult |
Result of listClaimedBleDevices(GoogleApiClient) .
CapabilityApi.AddLocalCapabilityResult |
Result returned from addLocalCapability(GoogleApiClient, String)
CapabilityApi.GetAllCapabilitiesResult |
Result returned from getAllCapabilities(GoogleApiClient, int)
CapabilityApi.GetCapabilityResult |
Result returned from getCapability(GoogleApiClient, String, int)
CapabilityApi.RemoveLocalCapabilityResult |
Result returned from removeLocalCapability(GoogleApiClient, String)
Cast.ApplicationConnectionResult |
When a connection to a receiver application has been established, this object contains
information about that application, including its ApplicationMetadata and current
Channel.GetInputStreamResult |
Result of getInputStream(GoogleApiClient) .
Channel.GetOutputStreamResult |
Result of getOutputStream(GoogleApiClient) .
ChannelApi.OpenChannelResult |
Result of openChannel(GoogleApiClient, String, String) .
Connections.StartAdvertisingResult |
Result delivered when a local endpoint starts being advertised.
DailyTotalResult |
Result of readDailyTotal(GoogleApiClient, DataType) .
DataApi.DataItemResult |
Contains a single data item.
DataApi.DeleteDataItemsResult |
Contains the number of deleted items.
DataApi.GetFdForAssetResult |
Contains a file descriptor for the requested asset.
DataEventBuffer |
Data structure holding references to a set of events.
DataItemBuffer |
Data structure holding reference to a set of DataItem s.
DataReadResult |
Result of readData(GoogleApiClient, DataReadRequest) .
DataSourcesResult |
Result of findDataSources(GoogleApiClient, DataSourcesRequest) .
DataTypeResult |
Result of
readDataType(GoogleApiClient, String) .
DriveApi.DriveContentsResult |
Result that contains a DriveContents .
DriveApi.DriveIdResult |
Result that contains a DriveId .
DriveApi.MetadataBufferResult |
Result that contains a MetadataBuffer .
DriveFolder.DriveFileResult |
A result that contains a DriveFile .
DriveFolder.DriveFolderResult |
A result that contains a DriveFolder .
DrivePreferencesApi.FileUploadPreferencesResult |
Result that contains a FileUploadPreferences reference.
DriveResource.MetadataResult |
Result that is returned in response to metadata requests.
Events.LoadEventsResult |
Result delivered when event data has been loaded.
GamesMetadata.LoadGamesResult |
Result delivered when game metadata has been loaded.
Invitations.LoadInvitationsResult |
Result delivered when invitations have been loaded.
Leaderboards.LeaderboardMetadataResult |
Result delivered when leaderboard metadata has been loaded.
Leaderboards.LoadPlayerScoreResult |
Result delivered when a player's leaderboard score has been loaded.
Leaderboards.LoadScoresResult |
Result delivered when leaderboard scores have been loaded.
Leaderboards.SubmitScoreResult |
Result delivered when a leaderboard score has been submitted.
ListSubscriptionsResult |
Result of listSubscriptions(GoogleApiClient, DataType) .
LocationSettingsResult |
Result of checking settings via checkLocationSettings(GoogleApiClient, LocationSettingsRequest) ,
indicates whether a dialog should be shown to ask the user's consent to
change their settings.
MessageApi.SendMessageResult |
Contains the request id assigned to the message.
Moments.LoadMomentsResult |
Information about the set of moments that was loaded.
NodeApi.GetConnectedNodesResult |
Contains a list of connected nodes.
NodeApi.GetLocalNodeResult |
Contains the name and id that represents this device.
PanoramaApi.PanoramaResult |
Result interface for loading panorama info.
People.LoadPeopleResult |
Information about the set of people that was loaded.
PlaceBuffer |
Data structure providing access to a list of Places .
PlaceLikelihoodBuffer |
A DataBuffer that represents a list of PlaceLikelihood s.
Players.LoadPlayersResult |
Result delivered when player data has been loaded.
Players.LoadProfileSettingsResult |
Result delivered when the profile settings of the signed-in player have been loaded.
Quests.AcceptQuestResult |
Result delivered when accepting a quest.
Quests.ClaimMilestoneResult |
Result delivered when claiming a milestone.
Quests.LoadQuestsResult |
Result delivered when quest data has been loaded.
RemoteMediaPlayer.MediaChannelResult |
Result of a media command.
Requests.LoadRequestsResult |
Result delivered when requests have loaded.
Requests.UpdateRequestsResult |
Result delivered when requests are updated.
SafetyNetApi.AttestationResult |
Result that contains an attestation result.
SearchAuthApi.GoogleNowAuthResult |
Result of getGoogleNowAuth(GoogleApiClient, String) .
SessionReadResult |
Result of readSession(GoogleApiClient, SessionReadRequest) .
SessionStopResult |
Result of stopSession(GoogleApiClient, String) .
Snapshots.CommitSnapshotResult |
Result delivered when a snapshot has been committed.
Snapshots.DeleteSnapshotResult |
Result delivered when a snapshot has been deleted.
Snapshots.LoadSnapshotsResult |
Result delivered when snapshot data has been loaded.
Snapshots.OpenSnapshotResult |
Result delivered when a snapshot has been opened.
Status |
Represents the results of work.
TurnBasedMultiplayer.CancelMatchResult |
Result delivered when the match has been canceled.
TurnBasedMultiplayer.InitiateMatchResult |
Result delivered when match has been initiated.
TurnBasedMultiplayer.LeaveMatchResult |
Result delivered when the player has left the match.
TurnBasedMultiplayer.LoadMatchResult |
Result delivered when a turn-based match has been loaded.
TurnBasedMultiplayer.LoadMatchesResult |
Result delivered when matches have been loaded.
TurnBasedMultiplayer.UpdateMatchResult |
Result delivered when match has been updated.