ActivityRecognitionApi | The main entry point for interacting with activity recognition. |
FusedLocationProviderApi | The main entry point for interacting with the fused location provider. |
Geofence | Represents a geographical region, also known as a geofence. |
GeofencingApi | The main entry point for interacting with the geofencing APIs. |
LocationListener |
Used for receiving notifications from the FusedLocationProviderApi when the location
has changed.
SettingsApi | The main entry point for interacting with the location settings-enabler APIs. |
ActivityRecognition | The main entry point for activity recognition integration. |
ActivityRecognitionResult | Result of an activity recognition. |
DetectedActivity | The detected activity of the device with an an associated confidence. |
Geofence.Builder |
A builder that builds Geofence .
GeofenceStatusCodes |
Geofence specific status codes, for use in getStatusCode()
GeofencingEvent |
Represents an event from the GeofencingApi API.
GeofencingRequest | Specifies the list of geofences to be monitored and how the geofence notifications should be reported. |
GeofencingRequest.Builder |
A builder that builds GeofencingRequest .
LocationAvailability | Status on the availability of location data |
LocationCallback |
Used for receiving notifications from the FusedLocationProviderApi when the device
location has changed or can no longer be determined.
LocationRequest |
A data object that contains quality of service parameters for requests to
the FusedLocationProviderApi .
LocationResult | A data class representing a geographic location result from the fused location provider. |
LocationServices | The main entry point for location services integration. |
LocationSettingsRequest | Specifies the types of location services the client is interested in using. |
LocationSettingsRequest.Builder |
A builder that builds LocationSettingsRequest .
LocationSettingsResult |
Result of checking settings via checkLocationSettings(GoogleApiClient, LocationSettingsRequest) ,
indicates whether a dialog should be shown to ask the user's consent to
change their settings.
LocationSettingsStates | Stores the current states of all location-related settings. |
LocationSettingsStatusCodes |
Location settings specific status codes, for use in getStatusCode()
LocationStatusCodes |
This class is deprecated.
Use GeofenceStatusCodes .