CapabilityApi |
Exposes an API to learn about capabilities provided by nodes on the Wear network.
CapabilityApi.AddLocalCapabilityResult |
Result returned from addLocalCapability(GoogleApiClient, String)
CapabilityApi.CapabilityListener |
Listener for changes in the reachable nodes providing a capability.
CapabilityApi.GetAllCapabilitiesResult |
Result returned from getAllCapabilities(GoogleApiClient, int)
CapabilityApi.GetCapabilityResult |
Result returned from getCapability(GoogleApiClient, String, int)
CapabilityApi.RemoveLocalCapabilityResult |
Result returned from removeLocalCapability(GoogleApiClient, String)
CapabilityInfo |
Information about a Capability on the network and where it is available.
Channel |
A channel created through openChannel(GoogleApiClient, String, String) .
Channel.GetInputStreamResult |
Result of getInputStream(GoogleApiClient) .
Channel.GetOutputStreamResult |
Result of getOutputStream(GoogleApiClient) .
ChannelApi |
Client interface for Wearable Channel API.
ChannelApi.ChannelListener |
A listener which will be notified on changes to channels.
ChannelApi.OpenChannelResult |
Result of openChannel(GoogleApiClient, String, String) .
DataApi |
Exposes an API for components to read or write data items and
DataApi.DataItemResult |
Contains a single data item.
DataApi.DataListener |
Used with addListener(GoogleApiClient, DataApi.DataListener) to receive data events.
DataApi.DeleteDataItemsResult |
Contains the number of deleted items.
DataApi.GetFdForAssetResult |
Contains a file descriptor for the requested asset.
DataEvent |
Data interface for data events.
DataItem |
The base object of data stored in the Android Wear network.
DataItemAsset |
A reference to an asset stored in a data item.
MessageApi |
Exposes an API for components to send messages to other nodes.
MessageApi.MessageListener |
Used with addListener(GoogleApiClient, MessageApi.MessageListener) to receive message events.
MessageApi.SendMessageResult |
Contains the request id assigned to the message.
MessageEvent |
Information about a message received by a listener.
Node |
Information about a particular node in the Android Wear network.
NodeApi |
Exposes an API for to learn about local or connected Nodes.
NodeApi.GetConnectedNodesResult |
Contains a list of connected nodes.
NodeApi.GetLocalNodeResult |
Contains the name and id that represents this device.
NodeApi.NodeListener |
Used with addListener(GoogleApiClient, NodeApi.NodeListener) to receive node events.