Bindable |
The Bindable annotation should be applied to any getter accessor method of an
Observable class.
BindingAdapter | BindingAdapter is applied to methods that are used to manipulate how values with expressions are set to views. |
BindingConversion | Annotate methods that are used to automatically convert from the expression type to the value used in the setter. |
BindingMethod |
Used within an BindingMethods annotation to describe a renaming of an attribute to
the setter used to set that attribute.
BindingMethods | Used to enumerate attribute-to-setter renaming. |
DataBindingComponent | This interface is generated during compilation to contain getters for all used instance BindingAdapters. |
Observable | Observable classes provide a way in which data bound UI can be notified of changes. |
ObservableList<T> |
A List that notifies when changes are made.
ObservableMap<K, V> |
A Map that notifies when items change.
BaseObservable |
A convenience class that implements Observable interface and provides
notifyPropertyChanged(int) and notifyChange() methods.
CallbackRegistry<C, T, A> | A utility for storing and notifying callbacks. |
CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback<C, T, A> | Class used to notify events from CallbackRegistry. |
DataBindingUtil |
Utility class to create ViewDataBinding from layouts.
ListChangeRegistry | Utility class for managing ObservableList callbacks. |
MapChangeRegistry | Utility class for managing ObservableMap callbacks. |
Observable.OnPropertyChangedCallback | The callback that is called by Observable when an observable property has changed. |
ObservableArrayList<T> |
An ObservableList implementation using ArrayList as an implementation.
ObservableArrayMap<K, V> | |
ObservableBoolean | An observable class that holds a primitive boolean. |
ObservableByte | An observable class that holds a primitive byte. |
ObservableChar | An observable class that holds a primitive char. |
ObservableDouble | An observable class that holds a primitive double. |
ObservableField<T> | An object wrapper to make it observable. |
ObservableFloat | An observable class that holds a primitive float. |
ObservableInt | An observable class that holds a primitive int. |
ObservableList.OnListChangedCallback<T extends ObservableList> | The callback that is called by ObservableList when the list has changed. |
ObservableLong | An observable class that holds a primitive long. |
ObservableMap.OnMapChangedCallback<T extends ObservableMap<K, V>, K, V> | A callback receiving notifications when an ObservableMap changes. |
ObservableParcelable<T extends Parcelable> | An observable class that holds a parcelable object. |
ObservableShort | An observable class that holds a primitive short. |
OnRebindCallback<T extends ViewDataBinding> |
Listener set on addOnRebindCallback(OnRebindCallback) that
is called when bound values must be reevaluated in executePendingBindings() .
PropertyChangeRegistry | Utility class for managing Observable callbacks. |
ViewDataBinding | Base class for generated data binding classes. |
ViewStubProxy | This class represents a ViewStub before and after inflation. |