public class


extends Object

Note: The Wearable Support Library classes under the package are subject to change. For the full Android API reference, see Reference.


Class Overview

Constants for supporting remote inputs through starting an Intent.

The following example prompts the user to provide input for one RemoteInput by starting an input activity.

 public static final String KEY_QUICK_REPLY_TEXT = "quick_reply";
 RemoteInput[] remoteInputs = new RemoteInput[] {
     new RemoteInput.Builder(KEY_QUICK_REPLY_TEXT).setLabel("Quick reply").build()
 Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_REMOTE_INPUT);
 intent.putExtra(EXTRA_REMOTE_INPUT, remoteInputs);

The intent returned via onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) will contain the input results if collected. To access these results, use the getResultsFromIntent(Intent) function. The result values will present under the result key passed to the RemoteInput.Builder constructor.

 public static final String KEY_QUICK_REPLY_TEXT = "quick_reply";
 Bundle results = RemoteInput.getResultsFromIntent(intent);
 if (results != null) {
     CharSequence quickReplyResult = results.getCharSequence(KEY_QUICK_REPLY_TEXT);


String ACTION_REMOTE_INPUT Starts an activity that will prompt the user for inputs based on the RemoteInput.
String EXTRA_CANCEL_LABEL Optional string to display to cancel the action.
String EXTRA_CONFIRM_LABEL Optional string to display to confirm that the action should be executed.
String EXTRA_IN_PROGRESS_LABEL Optional string to display while the wearable is preparing to automatically execute the action.
String EXTRA_REMOTE_INPUTS Array of RemoteInput, to be used with ACTION_REMOTE_INPUT, to specify inputs to be collected from a user.
String EXTRA_SKIP_CONFIRMATION_UI Optional boolean, to be used with ACTION_REMOTE_INPUT, to indicate if a confirmation screen should be displayed to the user after he entered its input.
String EXTRA_TITLE String to display on top of the confirmation screen to describe the action like "SMS" or "Email".
Public Constructors
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String ACTION_REMOTE_INPUT

Starts an activity that will prompt the user for inputs based on the RemoteInput. The results will be returned via activity results (in onActivityResult(int, int, Intent). To retrieve the user's inputs, getResultsFromIntent(Intent) should be called to get a bundle containing a key/value for every result key populated by remote input collector.

When using this action, the extra EXTRA_REMOTE_INPUTS should be populated with an array of RemoteInput.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String EXTRA_CANCEL_LABEL

Optional string to display to cancel the action. This is usually an imperative verb, like "Cancel". Defaults to Cancel.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String EXTRA_CONFIRM_LABEL

Optional string to display to confirm that the action should be executed. This is usually an imperative verb like "Send". Defaults to "Send".

Constant Value: ""

public static final String EXTRA_IN_PROGRESS_LABEL

Optional string to display while the wearable is preparing to automatically execute the action. This is usually a 'ing' verb ending in ellipsis like "Sending...". Defaults to "Sending...".

Constant Value: ""

public static final String EXTRA_REMOTE_INPUTS

Array of RemoteInput, to be used with ACTION_REMOTE_INPUT, to specify inputs to be collected from a user.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String EXTRA_SKIP_CONFIRMATION_UI

Optional boolean, to be used with ACTION_REMOTE_INPUT, to indicate if a confirmation screen should be displayed to the user after he entered its input. The defaults is true, meaning that a confirmation screen will be displayed to the user before results are returned via activity results.

Constant Value: ""

public static final String EXTRA_TITLE

String to display on top of the confirmation screen to describe the action like "SMS" or "Email".

Constant Value: ""

Public Constructors

public RemoteInputIntent ()