public static class


extends Object
   ↳ android.drm.DrmStore.RightsStatus

Class Overview

Defines status notifications for digital rights.


int RIGHTS_EXPIRED The digital rights have expired.
int RIGHTS_INVALID The digital rights are invalid.
int RIGHTS_NOT_ACQUIRED The digital rights have not been acquired for the rights-protected content.
int RIGHTS_VALID The digital rights are valid.
Public Constructors
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final int RIGHTS_EXPIRED

Since: API Level 11

The digital rights have expired.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

public static final int RIGHTS_INVALID

Since: API Level 11

The digital rights are invalid.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int RIGHTS_NOT_ACQUIRED

Since: API Level 11

The digital rights have not been acquired for the rights-protected content.

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)

public static final int RIGHTS_VALID

Since: API Level 11

The digital rights are valid.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

Public Constructors

public DrmStore.RightsStatus ()

Since: API Level 11