Provides support for hardware features, such as the camera and other sensors. Be aware that
not all Android-powered devices support all hardware features, so you should declare hardware
that your application requires using the <uses-feature>
manifest element.
Camera.AutoFocusCallback | Callback interface used to notify on completion of camera auto focus. |
Camera.ErrorCallback | Callback interface for camera error notification. |
Camera.FaceDetectionListener | Callback interface for face detected in the preview frame. |
Camera.OnZoomChangeListener | Callback interface for zoom changes during a smooth zoom operation. |
Camera.PictureCallback | Callback interface used to supply image data from a photo capture. |
Camera.PreviewCallback | Callback interface used to deliver copies of preview frames as they are displayed. |
Camera.ShutterCallback | Callback interface used to signal the moment of actual image capture. |
SensorEventListener | Used for receiving notifications from the SensorManager when sensor values have changed. |
SensorListener |
This interface is deprecated.
SensorEventListener instead.
Camera | The Camera class is used to set image capture settings, start/stop preview, snap pictures, and retrieve frames for encoding for video. |
Camera.Area | The Area class is used for choosing specific metering and focus areas for the camera to use when calculating auto-exposure, auto-white balance, and auto-focus. |
Camera.CameraInfo | Information about a camera |
Camera.Face | Information about a face identified through camera face detection. |
Camera.Parameters | Camera service settings. |
Camera.Size | Image size (width and height dimensions). |
GeomagneticField | This class is used to estimated estimate magnetic field at a given point on Earth, and in particular, to compute the magnetic declination from true north. |
Sensor | Class representing a sensor. |
SensorEvent |
This class represents a |
SensorManager |
SensorManager lets you access the device's |