public static class


extends Object
implements TextUtils.StringSplitter Iterator<E>
   ↳ android.text.TextUtils.SimpleStringSplitter

Class Overview

A simple string splitter.

If the final character in the string to split is the delimiter then no empty string will be returned for the empty string after that delimeter. That is, splitting "a,b," on comma will return "a", "b", not "a", "b", "".


Public Constructors
TextUtils.SimpleStringSplitter(char delimiter)
Initializes the splitter.
Public Methods
boolean hasNext()
Returns true if there is at least one more element, false otherwise.
Iterator<String> iterator()
Returns an Iterator for the elements in this object.
String next()
Returns the next object and advances the iterator.
void remove()
Removes the last object returned by next from the collection.
void setString(String string)
Sets the string to split
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface android.text.TextUtils.StringSplitter
From interface java.lang.Iterable
From interface java.util.Iterator

Public Constructors

public TextUtils.SimpleStringSplitter (char delimiter)

Since: API Level 1

Initializes the splitter. setString may be called later.

delimiter the delimeter on which to split

Public Methods

public boolean hasNext ()

Since: API Level 1

Returns true if there is at least one more element, false otherwise.

public Iterator<String> iterator ()

Since: API Level 1

Returns an Iterator for the elements in this object.

  • An Iterator instance.

public String next ()

Since: API Level 1

Returns the next object and advances the iterator.

  • the next object.

public void remove ()

Since: API Level 1

Removes the last object returned by next from the collection. This method can only be called once between each call to next.

public void setString (String string)

Since: API Level 1

Sets the string to split

string the string to split