public class


extends Object
   ↳ android.webkit.WebSettings

Class Overview

Manages settings state for a WebView. When a WebView is first created, it obtains a set of default settings. These default settings will be returned from any getter call. A WebSettings object obtained from WebView.getSettings() is tied to the life of the WebView. If a WebView has been destroyed, any method call on WebSettings will throw an IllegalStateException.


Nested Classes
enum WebSettings.LayoutAlgorithm This enum is deprecated. This enum is now obsolete.  
enum WebSettings.PluginState The plugin state effects how plugins are treated on a page. 
enum WebSettings.RenderPriority  
enum WebSettings.TextSize This enum is deprecated. Use setTextZoom(int) and getTextZoom() instead.  
enum WebSettings.ZoomDensity Enum for specifying the WebView's desired density. 
int LOAD_CACHE_ELSE_NETWORK Use cache if content is there, even if expired (eg, history nav) If it is not in the cache, load from network.
int LOAD_CACHE_ONLY Don't use the network, load from cache only.
int LOAD_DEFAULT Default cache usage pattern Use with setCacheMode(int).
int LOAD_NORMAL Normal cache usage pattern Use with setCacheMode(int).
int LOAD_NO_CACHE Don't use the cache, load from network Use with setCacheMode(int).
Public Methods
boolean enableSmoothTransition()
Returns true if the WebView enables smooth transition while panning or zooming.
boolean getAllowContentAccess()
Returns true if this WebView supports content url access.
boolean getAllowFileAccess()
Returns true if this WebView supports file access.
synchronized boolean getBlockNetworkImage()
Return true if the WebView will block network images.
synchronized boolean getBlockNetworkLoads()
Return true if the WebView will block all network loads.
boolean getBuiltInZoomControls()
Returns true if the zoom mechanism built into WebView is being used.
int getCacheMode()
Return the current setting for overriding the cache mode.
synchronized String getCursiveFontFamily()
Get the cursive font family name.
synchronized boolean getDatabaseEnabled()
Returns true if database storage API is enabled.
synchronized String getDatabasePath()
Return the path to where database storage API databases are saved for the current WebView.
synchronized int getDefaultFixedFontSize()
Get the default fixed font size.
synchronized int getDefaultFontSize()
Get the default font size.
synchronized String getDefaultTextEncodingName()
Get the default text encoding name.
WebSettings.ZoomDensity getDefaultZoom()
Get the default zoom density of the page.
boolean getDisplayZoomControls()
Returns true if the on screen zoom buttons are being used.
synchronized boolean getDomStorageEnabled()
Returns true if the DOM Storage API's are enabled.
synchronized String getFantasyFontFamily()
Get the fantasy font family name.
synchronized String getFixedFontFamily()
Get the fixed font family name.
synchronized boolean getJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically()
Return true if javascript can open windows automatically.
synchronized boolean getJavaScriptEnabled()
Return true if javascript is enabled.
synchronized WebSettings.LayoutAlgorithm getLayoutAlgorithm()
This method is deprecated. This method is now obsolete.
boolean getLightTouchEnabled()
Returns true if light touches are enabled.
boolean getLoadWithOverviewMode()
Returns true if this WebView loads page with overview mode
synchronized boolean getLoadsImagesAutomatically()
Return true if the WebView will load image resources automatically.
synchronized int getMinimumFontSize()
Get the minimum font size.
synchronized int getMinimumLogicalFontSize()
Get the minimum logical font size.
boolean getNavDump()
This method is deprecated. This method is now obsolete.
synchronized WebSettings.PluginState getPluginState()
Return the current plugin state.
synchronized boolean getPluginsEnabled()
This method is deprecated. This method has been replaced by getPluginState()
synchronized String getPluginsPath()
This method is deprecated. This method is no longer used as plugins are loaded from their own APK via the system's package manager.
synchronized String getSansSerifFontFamily()
Get the sans-serif font family name.
boolean getSaveFormData()
Return whether the WebView is saving form data and displaying prior entries/autofill++.
boolean getSavePassword()
Return whether the WebView is saving password.
synchronized String getSerifFontFamily()
Get the serif font family name.
synchronized String getStandardFontFamily()
Get the standard font family name.
synchronized WebSettings.TextSize getTextSize()
This method is deprecated. Use getTextZoom() instead
synchronized int getTextZoom()
Get the text zoom of the page in percent.
synchronized boolean getUseDoubleTree()
This method is deprecated. This setting controlled a rendering optimization that is no longer present. Setting it now has no effect.
boolean getUseWebViewBackgroundForOverscrollBackground()
This method is deprecated. This method is now obsolete.
synchronized boolean getUseWideViewPort()
synchronized int getUserAgent()
This method is deprecated. Please use getUserAgentString instead.
synchronized String getUserAgentString()
Return the WebView's user-agent string.
void setAllowContentAccess(boolean allow)
Enable or disable content url access within WebView.
void setAllowFileAccess(boolean allow)
Enable or disable file access within WebView.
synchronized void setAppCacheEnabled(boolean flag)
Tell the WebView to enable Application Caches API.
synchronized void setAppCacheMaxSize(long appCacheMaxSize)
Set the maximum size for the Application Caches content.
synchronized void setAppCachePath(String appCachePath)
Set a custom path to the Application Caches files.
synchronized void setBlockNetworkImage(boolean flag)
Tell the WebView to block network images.
synchronized void setBlockNetworkLoads(boolean flag)
Tell the WebView to block all network load requests.
void setBuiltInZoomControls(boolean enabled)
Sets whether the zoom mechanism built into WebView is used.
void setCacheMode(int mode)
Override the way the cache is used.
synchronized void setCursiveFontFamily(String font)
Set the cursive font family name.
synchronized void setDatabaseEnabled(boolean flag)
Set whether the database storage API is enabled.
synchronized void setDatabasePath(String databasePath)
Set the path to where database storage API databases should be saved.
synchronized void setDefaultFixedFontSize(int size)
Set the default fixed font size.
synchronized void setDefaultFontSize(int size)
Set the default font size.
synchronized void setDefaultTextEncodingName(String encoding)
Set the default text encoding name to use when decoding html pages.
void setDefaultZoom(WebSettings.ZoomDensity zoom)
Set the default zoom density of the page.
void setDisplayZoomControls(boolean enabled)
Sets whether the on screen zoom buttons are used.
synchronized void setDomStorageEnabled(boolean flag)
Set whether the DOM storage API is enabled.
void setEnableSmoothTransition(boolean enable)
Set whether the WebView will enable smooth transition while panning or zooming or while the window hosting the WebView does not have focus.
synchronized void setFantasyFontFamily(String font)
Set the fantasy font family name.
synchronized void setFixedFontFamily(String font)
Set the fixed font family name.
synchronized void setGeolocationDatabasePath(String databasePath)
Set the path where the Geolocation permissions database should be saved.
synchronized void setGeolocationEnabled(boolean flag)
Sets whether Geolocation is enabled.
synchronized void setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically(boolean flag)
Tell javascript to open windows automatically.
synchronized void setJavaScriptEnabled(boolean flag)
Tell the WebView to enable javascript execution.
synchronized void setLayoutAlgorithm(WebSettings.LayoutAlgorithm l)
This method is deprecated. This method is now obsolete.
void setLightTouchEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enables using light touches to make a selection and activate mouseovers.
void setLoadWithOverviewMode(boolean overview)
Set whether the WebView loads a page with overview mode.
synchronized void setLoadsImagesAutomatically(boolean flag)
Tell the WebView to load image resources automatically.
synchronized void setMinimumFontSize(int size)
Set the minimum font size.
synchronized void setMinimumLogicalFontSize(int size)
Set the minimum logical font size.
void setNavDump(boolean enabled)
This method is deprecated. This method is now obsolete.
void setNeedInitialFocus(boolean flag)
Tell the WebView whether it needs to set a node to have focus when requestFocus(int, is called.
synchronized void setPluginState(WebSettings.PluginState state)
Tell the WebView to enable, disable, or have plugins on demand.
synchronized void setPluginsEnabled(boolean flag)
This method is deprecated. This method has been deprecated in favor of setPluginState(WebSettings.PluginState)
synchronized void setPluginsPath(String pluginsPath)
This method is deprecated. This method is no longer used as plugins are loaded from their own APK via the system's package manager.
synchronized void setRenderPriority(WebSettings.RenderPriority priority)
Set the priority of the Render thread.
synchronized void setSansSerifFontFamily(String font)
Set the sans-serif font family name.
void setSaveFormData(boolean save)
Store whether the WebView is saving form data.
void setSavePassword(boolean save)
Store whether the WebView is saving password.
synchronized void setSerifFontFamily(String font)
Set the serif font family name.
synchronized void setStandardFontFamily(String font)
Set the standard font family name.
synchronized void setSupportMultipleWindows(boolean support)
Tell the WebView whether it supports multiple windows.
void setSupportZoom(boolean support)
Set whether the WebView supports zoom
synchronized void setTextSize(WebSettings.TextSize t)
This method is deprecated. Use setTextZoom(int) instead
synchronized void setTextZoom(int textZoom)
Set the text zoom of the page in percent.
synchronized void setUseDoubleTree(boolean use)
This method is deprecated. This setting controlled a rendering optimization that is no longer present. Setting it now has no effect.
void setUseWebViewBackgroundForOverscrollBackground(boolean view)
This method is deprecated. This method is now obsolete.
synchronized void setUseWideViewPort(boolean use)
Tell the WebView to use the wide viewport
synchronized void setUserAgent(int ua)
This method is deprecated. Please use setUserAgentString instead.
synchronized void setUserAgentString(String ua)
Set the WebView's user-agent string.
synchronized boolean supportMultipleWindows()
boolean supportZoom()
Returns whether the WebView supports zoom
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final int LOAD_CACHE_ELSE_NETWORK

Since: API Level 1

Use cache if content is there, even if expired (eg, history nav) If it is not in the cache, load from network. Use with setCacheMode(int).

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int LOAD_CACHE_ONLY

Since: API Level 1

Don't use the network, load from cache only. Use with setCacheMode(int).

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)

public static final int LOAD_DEFAULT

Since: API Level 1

Default cache usage pattern Use with setCacheMode(int).

Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)

public static final int LOAD_NORMAL

Since: API Level 1

Normal cache usage pattern Use with setCacheMode(int).

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int LOAD_NO_CACHE

Since: API Level 1

Don't use the cache, load from network Use with setCacheMode(int).

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

Public Methods

public boolean enableSmoothTransition ()

Since: API Level 11

Returns true if the WebView enables smooth transition while panning or zooming.

public boolean getAllowContentAccess ()

Since: API Level 11

Returns true if this WebView supports content url access.

public boolean getAllowFileAccess ()

Since: API Level 3

Returns true if this WebView supports file access.

public synchronized boolean getBlockNetworkImage ()

Since: API Level 1

Return true if the WebView will block network images. The default is false.

  • True if the WebView blocks network images.

public synchronized boolean getBlockNetworkLoads ()

Since: API Level 8

Return true if the WebView will block all network loads. The default is false.

  • True if the WebView blocks all network loads.

public boolean getBuiltInZoomControls ()

Since: API Level 3

Returns true if the zoom mechanism built into WebView is being used.

public int getCacheMode ()

Since: API Level 1

Return the current setting for overriding the cache mode. For a full description, see the setCacheMode(int) function.

public synchronized String getCursiveFontFamily ()

Since: API Level 1

Get the cursive font family name. The default is "cursive".

  • The cursive font family name as a string.

public synchronized boolean getDatabaseEnabled ()

Since: API Level 5

Returns true if database storage API is enabled.

  • True if the database storage API is enabled.

public synchronized String getDatabasePath ()

Since: API Level 5

Return the path to where database storage API databases are saved for the current WebView.

  • the String path to the database storage API databases.

public synchronized int getDefaultFixedFontSize ()

Since: API Level 1

Get the default fixed font size. The default is 16.

  • A non-negative integer between 1 and 72.

public synchronized int getDefaultFontSize ()

Since: API Level 1

Get the default font size. The default is 16.

  • A non-negative integer between 1 and 72.

public synchronized String getDefaultTextEncodingName ()

Since: API Level 1

Get the default text encoding name. The default is "Latin-1".

  • The default text encoding name as a string.

public WebSettings.ZoomDensity getDefaultZoom ()

Since: API Level 7

Get the default zoom density of the page. This should be called from UI thread.

  • A ZoomDensity value

public boolean getDisplayZoomControls ()

Since: API Level 11

Returns true if the on screen zoom buttons are being used.

public synchronized boolean getDomStorageEnabled ()

Since: API Level 7

Returns true if the DOM Storage API's are enabled.

  • True if the DOM Storage API's are enabled.

public synchronized String getFantasyFontFamily ()

Since: API Level 1

Get the fantasy font family name. The default is "fantasy".

  • The fantasy font family name as a string.

public synchronized String getFixedFontFamily ()

Since: API Level 1

Get the fixed font family name. The default is "monospace".

  • The fixed font family name as a string.

public synchronized boolean getJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically ()

Since: API Level 1

Return true if javascript can open windows automatically. The default is false.

  • True if javascript can open windows automatically during

public synchronized boolean getJavaScriptEnabled ()

Since: API Level 1

Return true if javascript is enabled. Note: The default is false.

  • True if javascript is enabled.

public synchronized WebSettings.LayoutAlgorithm getLayoutAlgorithm ()

Since: API Level 1

This method is deprecated.
This method is now obsolete.

Return the current layout algorithm. The default is NARROW_COLUMNS.

  • LayoutAlgorithm enum value describing the layout algorithm being used.

public boolean getLightTouchEnabled ()

Since: API Level 1

Returns true if light touches are enabled.

public boolean getLoadWithOverviewMode ()

Since: API Level 7

Returns true if this WebView loads page with overview mode

public synchronized boolean getLoadsImagesAutomatically ()

Since: API Level 1

Return true if the WebView will load image resources automatically. The default is true.

  • True if the WebView loads images automatically.

public synchronized int getMinimumFontSize ()

Since: API Level 1

Get the minimum font size. The default is 8.

  • A non-negative integer between 1 and 72.

public synchronized int getMinimumLogicalFontSize ()

Since: API Level 1

Get the minimum logical font size. The default is 8.

  • A non-negative integer between 1 and 72.

public boolean getNavDump ()

Since: API Level 1

This method is deprecated.
This method is now obsolete.

Returns true if dumping the navigation cache is enabled.

public synchronized WebSettings.PluginState getPluginState ()

Since: API Level 8

Return the current plugin state.

  • A value corresponding to the enum PluginState.

public synchronized boolean getPluginsEnabled ()

Since: API Level 1

This method is deprecated.
This method has been replaced by getPluginState()

Return true if plugins are enabled.

  • True if plugins are enabled.

public synchronized String getPluginsPath ()

Since: API Level 1

This method is deprecated.
This method is no longer used as plugins are loaded from their own APK via the system's package manager.

Returns the directory that contains the plugin libraries. This method is obsolete since each plugin is now loaded from its own package.

  • An empty string.

public synchronized String getSansSerifFontFamily ()

Since: API Level 1

Get the sans-serif font family name.

  • The sans-serif font family name as a string.

public boolean getSaveFormData ()

Since: API Level 1

Return whether the WebView is saving form data and displaying prior entries/autofill++. Always false in private browsing mode.

public boolean getSavePassword ()

Since: API Level 1

Return whether the WebView is saving password.

public synchronized String getSerifFontFamily ()

Since: API Level 1

Get the serif font family name. The default is "serif".

  • The serif font family name as a string.

public synchronized String getStandardFontFamily ()

Since: API Level 1

Get the standard font family name. The default is "sans-serif".

  • The standard font family name as a string.

public synchronized WebSettings.TextSize getTextSize ()

Since: API Level 1

This method is deprecated.
Use getTextZoom() instead

Get the text size of the page. If the text size was previously specified in percent using setTextZoom(int), this will return the closest matching WebSettings.TextSize.

  • A TextSize enum value describing the text size.

public synchronized int getTextZoom ()

Since: API Level 14

Get the text zoom of the page in percent.

  • A percent value describing the text zoom.

public synchronized boolean getUseDoubleTree ()

Since: API Level 1

This method is deprecated.
This setting controlled a rendering optimization that is no longer present. Setting it now has no effect.

public boolean getUseWebViewBackgroundForOverscrollBackground ()

Since: API Level 9

This method is deprecated.
This method is now obsolete.

Returns true if this WebView uses WebView's background instead of internal pattern for over scroll background.

public synchronized boolean getUseWideViewPort ()

Since: API Level 1

  • True if the WebView is using a wide viewport

public synchronized int getUserAgent ()

Since: API Level 1

This method is deprecated.
Please use getUserAgentString instead.

Return user-agent as int

  • int 0 if the WebView is using an Android user-agent string. 1 if the WebView is using a desktop user-agent string. -1 if the WebView is using user defined user-agent string.

public synchronized String getUserAgentString ()

Since: API Level 3

Return the WebView's user-agent string.

public void setAllowContentAccess (boolean allow)

Since: API Level 11

Enable or disable content url access within WebView. Content url access allows WebView to load content from a content provider installed in the system. The default is enabled.

public void setAllowFileAccess (boolean allow)

Since: API Level 3

Enable or disable file access within WebView. File access is enabled by default. Note that this enables or disables file system access only. Assets and resources are still accessible using file:///android_asset and file:///android_res.

public synchronized void setAppCacheEnabled (boolean flag)

Since: API Level 7

Tell the WebView to enable Application Caches API.

flag True if the WebView should enable Application Caches.

public synchronized void setAppCacheMaxSize (long appCacheMaxSize)

Since: API Level 7

Set the maximum size for the Application Caches content.

appCacheMaxSize the maximum size in bytes.

public synchronized void setAppCachePath (String appCachePath)

Since: API Level 7

Set a custom path to the Application Caches files. The client must ensure it exists before this call.

appCachePath String path to the directory containing Application Caches files. The appCache path can be the empty string but should not be null. Passing null for this parameter will result in a no-op.

public synchronized void setBlockNetworkImage (boolean flag)

Since: API Level 1

Tell the WebView to block network images. This is only checked when getLoadsImagesAutomatically() is true. If you set the value to false, images will automatically be loaded. Use this api to reduce bandwidth only. Use setBlockNetworkLoads(boolean) if possible.

flag True if the WebView should block network images.

public synchronized void setBlockNetworkLoads (boolean flag)

Since: API Level 8

Tell the WebView to block all network load requests. If you set the value to false, you must call reload() to fetch remote resources. This flag supercedes the value passed to setBlockNetworkImage(boolean).

flag True if the WebView should block all network loads.
See Also

public void setBuiltInZoomControls (boolean enabled)

Since: API Level 3

Sets whether the zoom mechanism built into WebView is used.

public void setCacheMode (int mode)

Since: API Level 1

Override the way the cache is used. The way the cache is used is based on the navigation option. For a normal page load, the cache is checked and content is re-validated as needed. When navigating back, content is not revalidated, instead the content is just pulled from the cache. This function allows the client to override this behavior.

mode One of the LOAD_ values.

public synchronized void setCursiveFontFamily (String font)

Since: API Level 1

Set the cursive font family name.

font A font family name.

public synchronized void setDatabaseEnabled (boolean flag)

Since: API Level 5

Set whether the database storage API is enabled.

flag boolean True if the WebView should use the database storage API.

public synchronized void setDatabasePath (String databasePath)

Since: API Level 5

Set the path to where database storage API databases should be saved. Nota that the WebCore Database Tracker only allows the path to be set once. This will update WebCore when the Sync runs in the C++ side.

databasePath String path to the directory where databases should be saved. May be the empty string but should never be null.

public synchronized void setDefaultFixedFontSize (int size)

Since: API Level 1

Set the default fixed font size.

size A non-negative integer between 1 and 72. Any number outside the specified range will be pinned.

public synchronized void setDefaultFontSize (int size)

Since: API Level 1

Set the default font size.

size A non-negative integer between 1 and 72. Any number outside the specified range will be pinned.

public synchronized void setDefaultTextEncodingName (String encoding)

Since: API Level 1

Set the default text encoding name to use when decoding html pages.

encoding The text encoding name.

public void setDefaultZoom (WebSettings.ZoomDensity zoom)

Since: API Level 7

Set the default zoom density of the page. This should be called from UI thread.

zoom A ZoomDensity value

public void setDisplayZoomControls (boolean enabled)

Since: API Level 11

Sets whether the on screen zoom buttons are used. A combination of built in zoom controls enabled and on screen zoom controls disabled allows for pinch to zoom to work without the on screen controls

public synchronized void setDomStorageEnabled (boolean flag)

Since: API Level 7

Set whether the DOM storage API is enabled.

flag boolean True if the WebView should use the DOM storage API.

public void setEnableSmoothTransition (boolean enable)

Since: API Level 11

Set whether the WebView will enable smooth transition while panning or zooming or while the window hosting the WebView does not have focus. If it is true, WebView will choose a solution to maximize the performance. e.g. the WebView's content may not be updated during the transition. If it is false, WebView will keep its fidelity. The default value is false.

public synchronized void setFantasyFontFamily (String font)

Since: API Level 1

Set the fantasy font family name.

font A font family name.

public synchronized void setFixedFontFamily (String font)

Since: API Level 1

Set the fixed font family name.

font A font family name.

public synchronized void setGeolocationDatabasePath (String databasePath)

Since: API Level 5

Set the path where the Geolocation permissions database should be saved. This will update WebCore when the Sync runs in the C++ side.

databasePath String path to the directory where the Geolocation permissions database should be saved. May be the empty string but should never be null.

public synchronized void setGeolocationEnabled (boolean flag)

Since: API Level 5

Sets whether Geolocation is enabled.

flag Whether Geolocation should be enabled.

public synchronized void setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically (boolean flag)

Since: API Level 1

Tell javascript to open windows automatically. This applies to the javascript function

flag True if javascript can open windows automatically.

public synchronized void setJavaScriptEnabled (boolean flag)

Since: API Level 1

Tell the WebView to enable javascript execution.

flag True if the WebView should execute javascript.

public synchronized void setLayoutAlgorithm (WebSettings.LayoutAlgorithm l)

Since: API Level 1

This method is deprecated.
This method is now obsolete.

Set the underlying layout algorithm. This will cause a relayout of the WebView.

l A LayoutAlgorithm enum specifying the algorithm to use.

public void setLightTouchEnabled (boolean enabled)

Since: API Level 1

Enables using light touches to make a selection and activate mouseovers.

public void setLoadWithOverviewMode (boolean overview)

Since: API Level 7

Set whether the WebView loads a page with overview mode.

public synchronized void setLoadsImagesAutomatically (boolean flag)

Since: API Level 1

Tell the WebView to load image resources automatically.

flag True if the WebView should load images automatically.

public synchronized void setMinimumFontSize (int size)

Since: API Level 1

Set the minimum font size.

size A non-negative integer between 1 and 72. Any number outside the specified range will be pinned.

public synchronized void setMinimumLogicalFontSize (int size)

Since: API Level 1

Set the minimum logical font size.

size A non-negative integer between 1 and 72. Any number outside the specified range will be pinned.

public void setNavDump (boolean enabled)

Since: API Level 1

This method is deprecated.
This method is now obsolete.

Enables dumping the pages navigation cache to a text file.

public void setNeedInitialFocus (boolean flag)

Since: API Level 1

Tell the WebView whether it needs to set a node to have focus when requestFocus(int, is called.

public synchronized void setPluginState (WebSettings.PluginState state)

Since: API Level 8

Tell the WebView to enable, disable, or have plugins on demand. On demand mode means that if a plugin exists that can handle the embedded content, a placeholder icon will be shown instead of the plugin. When the placeholder is clicked, the plugin will be enabled.

state One of the PluginState values.

public synchronized void setPluginsEnabled (boolean flag)

Since: API Level 1

This method is deprecated.
This method has been deprecated in favor of setPluginState(WebSettings.PluginState)

Tell the WebView to enable plugins.

flag True if the WebView should load plugins.

public synchronized void setPluginsPath (String pluginsPath)

Since: API Level 1

This method is deprecated.
This method is no longer used as plugins are loaded from their own APK via the system's package manager.

Set a custom path to plugins used by the WebView. This method is obsolete since each plugin is now loaded from its own package.

pluginsPath String path to the directory containing plugins.

public synchronized void setRenderPriority (WebSettings.RenderPriority priority)

Since: API Level 1

Set the priority of the Render thread. Unlike the other settings, this one only needs to be called once per process. The default is NORMAL.

priority RenderPriority, can be normal, high or low.

public synchronized void setSansSerifFontFamily (String font)

Since: API Level 1

Set the sans-serif font family name.

font A font family name.

public void setSaveFormData (boolean save)

Since: API Level 1

Store whether the WebView is saving form data.

public void setSavePassword (boolean save)

Since: API Level 1

Store whether the WebView is saving password.

public synchronized void setSerifFontFamily (String font)

Since: API Level 1

Set the serif font family name. The default is "sans-serif".

font A font family name.

public synchronized void setStandardFontFamily (String font)

Since: API Level 1

Set the standard font family name.

font A font family name.

public synchronized void setSupportMultipleWindows (boolean support)

Since: API Level 1

Tell the WebView whether it supports multiple windows. TRUE means that onCreateWindow(WebView, boolean, boolean, Message) is implemented by the host application.

public void setSupportZoom (boolean support)

Since: API Level 1

Set whether the WebView supports zoom

public synchronized void setTextSize (WebSettings.TextSize t)

Since: API Level 1

This method is deprecated.
Use setTextZoom(int) instead

Set the text size of the page.

t A TextSize value for increasing or decreasing the text.

public synchronized void setTextZoom (int textZoom)

Since: API Level 14

Set the text zoom of the page in percent. Default is 100.

textZoom A percent value for increasing or decreasing the text.

public synchronized void setUseDoubleTree (boolean use)

Since: API Level 1

This method is deprecated.
This setting controlled a rendering optimization that is no longer present. Setting it now has no effect.

public void setUseWebViewBackgroundForOverscrollBackground (boolean view)

Since: API Level 9

This method is deprecated.
This method is now obsolete.

Set whether the WebView uses its background for over scroll background. If true, it will use the WebView's background. If false, it will use an internal pattern. Default is true.

public synchronized void setUseWideViewPort (boolean use)

Since: API Level 1

Tell the WebView to use the wide viewport

public synchronized void setUserAgent (int ua)

Since: API Level 1

This method is deprecated.
Please use setUserAgentString instead.

Tell the WebView about user-agent string.

ua 0 if the WebView should use an Android user-agent string, 1 if the WebView should use a desktop user-agent string.

public synchronized void setUserAgentString (String ua)

Since: API Level 3

Set the WebView's user-agent string. If the string "ua" is null or empty, it will use the system default user-agent string.

public synchronized boolean supportMultipleWindows ()

Since: API Level 1


public boolean supportZoom ()

Since: API Level 1

Returns whether the WebView supports zoom