Android APIs
public class


extends Behavior<V extends View>
   ↳<V extends android.view.View>
     ↳<V extends android.view.View>

Class Overview

An interaction behavior plugin for child views of CoordinatorLayout to provide support for the 'swipe-to-dismiss' gesture.


Nested Classes
interface SwipeDismissBehavior.OnDismissListener Callback interface used to notify the application that the view has been dismissed. 
int STATE_DRAGGING A view is currently being dragged.
int STATE_IDLE A view is not currently being dragged or animating as a result of a fling/snap.
int STATE_SETTLING A view is currently settling into place as a result of a fling or predefined non-interactive motion.
int SWIPE_DIRECTION_ANY Swipe direction which allows swiping in either direction.
int SWIPE_DIRECTION_END_TO_START Swipe direction that only allows swiping in the direction of end-to-start.
int SWIPE_DIRECTION_START_TO_END Swipe direction that only allows swiping in the direction of start-to-end.
Public Constructors
Public Methods
int getDragState()
Retrieve the current drag state of this behavior.
boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(CoordinatorLayout parent, V child, MotionEvent event)
Respond to CoordinatorLayout touch events before they are dispatched to child views.
boolean onTouchEvent(CoordinatorLayout parent, V child, MotionEvent event)
Respond to CoordinatorLayout touch events after this Behavior has started intercepting them.
void setDragDismissDistance(float distance)
Set the threshold for telling if a view has been dragged enough to be dismissed.
void setEndAlphaSwipeDistance(float fraction)
The maximum swipe distance for the view's alpha is modified.
void setListener(SwipeDismissBehavior.OnDismissListener listener)
Set the listener to be used when a dismiss event occurs.
void setSensitivity(float sensitivity)
Set the sensitivity used for detecting the start of a swipe.
void setStartAlphaSwipeDistance(float fraction)
The minimum swipe distance before the view's alpha is modified.
void setSwipeDirection(int direction)
Sets the swipe direction for this behavior.
Inherited Methods
From class
From class java.lang.Object


public static final int STATE_DRAGGING

A view is currently being dragged. The position is currently changing as a result of user input or simulated user input.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int STATE_IDLE

A view is not currently being dragged or animating as a result of a fling/snap.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int STATE_SETTLING

A view is currently settling into place as a result of a fling or predefined non-interactive motion.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

public static final int SWIPE_DIRECTION_ANY

Swipe direction which allows swiping in either direction.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

public static final int SWIPE_DIRECTION_END_TO_START

Swipe direction that only allows swiping in the direction of end-to-start. That is right-to-left in LTR or left-to-right in RTL.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int SWIPE_DIRECTION_START_TO_END

Swipe direction that only allows swiping in the direction of start-to-end. That is left-to-right in LTR, or right-to-left in RTL.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

Public Constructors

public SwipeDismissBehavior ()

Public Methods

public int getDragState ()

Retrieve the current drag state of this behavior. This will return one of STATE_IDLE, STATE_DRAGGING or STATE_SETTLING.

  • The current drag state

public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent (CoordinatorLayout parent, V child, MotionEvent event)

Respond to CoordinatorLayout touch events before they are dispatched to child views.

Behaviors can use this to monitor inbound touch events until one decides to intercept the rest of the event stream to take an action on its associated child view. This method will return false until it detects the proper intercept conditions, then return true once those conditions have occurred.

Once a Behavior intercepts touch events, the rest of the event stream will be sent to the onTouchEvent(CoordinatorLayout, V, MotionEvent) method.

The default implementation of this method always returns false.

parent the parent view currently receiving this touch event
child the child view associated with this Behavior
event the MotionEvent describing the touch event being processed
  • true if this Behavior would like to intercept and take over the event stream. The default always returns false.

public boolean onTouchEvent (CoordinatorLayout parent, V child, MotionEvent event)

Respond to CoordinatorLayout touch events after this Behavior has started intercepting them.

Behaviors may intercept touch events in order to help the CoordinatorLayout manipulate its child views. For example, a Behavior may allow a user to drag a UI pane open or closed. This method should perform actual mutations of view layout state.

parent the parent view currently receiving this touch event
child the child view associated with this Behavior
event the MotionEvent describing the touch event being processed
  • true if this Behavior handled this touch event and would like to continue receiving events in this stream. The default always returns false.

public void setDragDismissDistance (float distance)

Set the threshold for telling if a view has been dragged enough to be dismissed.

distance a ratio of a view's width, values are clamped to 0 >= x <= 1f;

public void setEndAlphaSwipeDistance (float fraction)

The maximum swipe distance for the view's alpha is modified.

fraction the distance as a fraction of the view's width.

public void setListener (SwipeDismissBehavior.OnDismissListener listener)

Set the listener to be used when a dismiss event occurs.

listener the listener to use.

public void setSensitivity (float sensitivity)

Set the sensitivity used for detecting the start of a swipe. This only takes effect if no touch handling has occured yet.

sensitivity Multiplier for how sensitive we should be about detecting the start of a drag. Larger values are more sensitive. 1.0f is normal.

public void setStartAlphaSwipeDistance (float fraction)

The minimum swipe distance before the view's alpha is modified.

fraction the distance as a fraction of the view's width.

public void setSwipeDirection (int direction)

Sets the swipe direction for this behavior.