Android APIs
public final class


extends Object

Class Overview

Allows users fine grain control over idling policies. Espresso's default idling policies are suitable for most usecases - however certain execution environments (like the ARM emulator) might be very slow. This class allows users the ability to adjust defaults to sensible values for their environments.


Public Methods
static IdlingPolicy getDynamicIdlingResourceErrorPolicy()
static IdlingPolicy getDynamicIdlingResourceWarningPolicy()
static IdlingPolicy getMasterIdlingPolicy()
static void setIdlingResourceTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
Updates the IdlingPolicy used by IdlingResourceRegistry to determine when IdlingResources timeout.
static void setMasterPolicyTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
Updates the IdlingPolicy used in UiController.loopUntil to detect AppNotIdleExceptions.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public static IdlingPolicy getDynamicIdlingResourceErrorPolicy ()

public static IdlingPolicy getDynamicIdlingResourceWarningPolicy ()

public static IdlingPolicy getMasterIdlingPolicy ()

public static void setIdlingResourceTimeout (long timeout, TimeUnit unit)

Updates the IdlingPolicy used by IdlingResourceRegistry to determine when IdlingResources timeout.

timeout the timeout before an IdlingResourceTimeoutException is created.
unit the unit of the timeout value.

public static void setMasterPolicyTimeout (long timeout, TimeUnit unit)

Updates the IdlingPolicy used in UiController.loopUntil to detect AppNotIdleExceptions.

timeout the timeout before an AppNotIdleException is created.
unit the unit of the timeout value.