Android APIs
public interface


Class Overview

Provides base-level UI operations (such as injection of MotionEvents) that can be used to build user actions such as clicks, scrolls, swipes, etc. This replaces parts of the android Instrumentation class that provides similar functionality. However, it provides a more advanced synchronization mechanism for test actions. The key differentiators are:

  • test actions are assumed to be called on the main thread
  • after a test action is initiated, execution blocks until all messages in the main message queue have been cleared.


Public Methods
abstract boolean injectKeyEvent(KeyEvent event)
Injects a key event into the application.
abstract boolean injectMotionEvent(MotionEvent event)
Injects a motion event into the application.
abstract boolean injectString(String str)
Types a string into the application using series of KeyEvents.
abstract void loopMainThreadForAtLeast(long millisDelay)
Loops the main thread for a specified period of time.
abstract void loopMainThreadUntilIdle()
Loops the main thread until the application goes idle.

Public Methods

public abstract boolean injectKeyEvent (KeyEvent event)

Injects a key event into the application.

event the (non-null!) event to inject
  • true if the event was injected, false otherwise
InjectEventSecurityException if the event couldn't be injected because it would interact with another application.

public abstract boolean injectMotionEvent (MotionEvent event)

Injects a motion event into the application.

event the (non-null!) event to inject
  • true if the event was injected, false otherwise
InjectEventSecurityException if the event couldn't be injected because it would interact with another application.

public abstract boolean injectString (String str)

Types a string into the application using series of KeyEvents. It is up to the implementor to decide how to map the string to KeyEvent objects. if you need specific control over the key events generated use injectKeyEvent(KeyEvent).

str the (non-null!) string to type
  • true if the string was injected, false otherwise
InjectEventSecurityException if the events couldn't be injected because it would interact with another application.

public abstract void loopMainThreadForAtLeast (long millisDelay)

Loops the main thread for a specified period of time. Control may not return immediately, instead it'll return after the time has passed and the queue is in an idle state again.

millisDelay time to spend in looping the main thread

public abstract void loopMainThreadUntilIdle ()

Loops the main thread until the application goes idle. An empty task is immediately inserted into the task queue to ensure that if we're idle at this moment we'll return instantly.