java.lang.Object | |
↳ | |
Fields | |||||||||||
abc_action_bar_content_inset_material | Default content inset of an action bar. | ||||||||||
abc_action_bar_default_height_material | Default height of an action bar. | ||||||||||
abc_action_bar_default_padding_end_material | Default end padding of an action bar. | ||||||||||
abc_action_bar_default_padding_start_material | Default start padding of an action bar. | ||||||||||
abc_action_bar_icon_vertical_padding_material | Vertical padding around action bar icons. | ||||||||||
abc_action_bar_overflow_padding_end_material | Padding to add to the end of the overflow action button. | ||||||||||
abc_action_bar_overflow_padding_start_material | Padding to add to the start of the overflow action button. | ||||||||||
abc_action_bar_progress_bar_size | Size of the indeterminate Progress Bar Size of the indeterminate Progress Bar | ||||||||||
abc_action_bar_stacked_max_height | Maximum height for a stacked tab bar as part of an action bar | ||||||||||
abc_action_bar_stacked_tab_max_width | Maximum width for a stacked action bar tab. | ||||||||||
abc_action_bar_subtitle_bottom_margin_material | Bottom margin for action bar subtitles | ||||||||||
abc_action_bar_subtitle_top_margin_material | Top margin for action bar subtitles | ||||||||||
abc_action_button_min_height_material | |||||||||||
abc_action_button_min_width_material | |||||||||||
abc_action_button_min_width_overflow_material | |||||||||||
abc_alert_dialog_button_bar_height | Dialog button bar height Dialog button bar height | ||||||||||
abc_button_inset_horizontal_material | |||||||||||
abc_button_inset_vertical_material | |||||||||||
abc_button_padding_horizontal_material | |||||||||||
abc_button_padding_vertical_material | Default inner padding within buttons | ||||||||||
abc_config_prefDialogWidth | The maximum width we would prefer dialogs to be. | ||||||||||
abc_control_corner_material | Default rounded corner for controls | ||||||||||
abc_control_inset_material | Default insets (outer padding) around controls | ||||||||||
abc_control_padding_material | Default inner padding within controls | ||||||||||
abc_dialog_list_padding_vertical_material | Padding above and below selection dialog lists. | ||||||||||
abc_dialog_min_width_major | The platform's desired minimum size for a dialog's width when it is along the major axis (that is the screen is landscape). | ||||||||||
abc_dialog_min_width_minor | The platform's desired minimum size for a dialog's width when it is along the minor axis (that is the screen is portrait). | ||||||||||
abc_dialog_padding_material | |||||||||||
abc_dialog_padding_top_material | |||||||||||
abc_disabled_alpha_material_dark | |||||||||||
abc_disabled_alpha_material_light | |||||||||||
abc_dropdownitem_icon_width | Width of the icon in a dropdown list | ||||||||||
abc_dropdownitem_text_padding_left | Text padding for dropdown items | ||||||||||
abc_dropdownitem_text_padding_right | |||||||||||
abc_edit_text_inset_bottom_material | |||||||||||
abc_edit_text_inset_horizontal_material | |||||||||||
abc_edit_text_inset_top_material | |||||||||||
abc_floating_window_z | |||||||||||
abc_list_item_padding_horizontal_material | Default padding for list items. | ||||||||||
abc_panel_menu_list_width | |||||||||||
abc_search_view_preferred_width | Preferred width of the search view. | ||||||||||
abc_search_view_text_min_width | Minimum width of the search view text entry area. | ||||||||||
abc_switch_padding | Since optical insets are not available pre-v18, we add a small amount of padding Since SwitchCompat can use optical insets on v18+, reset the manual padding | ||||||||||
abc_text_size_body_1_material | |||||||||||
abc_text_size_body_2_material | |||||||||||
abc_text_size_button_material | |||||||||||
abc_text_size_caption_material | |||||||||||
abc_text_size_display_1_material | |||||||||||
abc_text_size_display_2_material | |||||||||||
abc_text_size_display_3_material | |||||||||||
abc_text_size_display_4_material | |||||||||||
abc_text_size_headline_material | |||||||||||
abc_text_size_large_material | |||||||||||
abc_text_size_medium_material | |||||||||||
abc_text_size_menu_material | |||||||||||
abc_text_size_small_material | |||||||||||
abc_text_size_subhead_material | |||||||||||
abc_text_size_subtitle_material_toolbar | Use the default subtitle sizes on tablets. | ||||||||||
abc_text_size_title_material | |||||||||||
abc_text_size_title_material_toolbar | Use the default title sizes on tablets. | ||||||||||
dialog_fixed_height_major | The platform's desired fixed height for a dialog along the major axis (the screen is in portrait). | ||||||||||
dialog_fixed_height_minor | The platform's desired fixed height for a dialog along the minor axis (the screen is in landscape). | ||||||||||
dialog_fixed_width_major | The platform's desired fixed width for a dialog along the major axis (the screen is in landscape). | ||||||||||
dialog_fixed_width_minor | The platform's desired fixed width for a dialog along the minor axis (the screen is in portrait). | ||||||||||
disabled_alpha_material_dark | |||||||||||
disabled_alpha_material_light | |||||||||||
highlight_alpha_material_colored | |||||||||||
highlight_alpha_material_dark | |||||||||||
highlight_alpha_material_light | |||||||||||
notification_large_icon_height | The width of the big icons in notifications. | ||||||||||
notification_large_icon_width | The width of the big icons in notifications. | ||||||||||
notification_subtext_size | Size of smaller notification text (see TextAppearance.StatusBar.EventContent.Line2, Info, Time) |
Public Constructors | |||||||||||
Inherited Methods | |||||||||||
From class
Default content inset of an action bar. Default content inset of an action bar.
Default height of an action bar. Default height of an action bar. Default height of an action bar.
Default end padding of an action bar. Default end padding of an action bar.
Default start padding of an action bar. Default start padding of an action bar.
Vertical padding around action bar icons.
Padding to add to the end of the overflow action button.
Padding to add to the start of the overflow action button.
Size of the indeterminate Progress Bar Size of the indeterminate Progress Bar
Maximum height for a stacked tab bar as part of an action bar
Maximum width for a stacked action bar tab. This prevents action bar tabs from becoming too wide on a wide screen when only a few are present.
Bottom margin for action bar subtitles
Top margin for action bar subtitles
Dialog button bar height Dialog button bar height
Default inner padding within buttons
The maximum width we would prefer dialogs to be. 0 if there is no maximum (let them grow as large as the screen). Actual values are specified for -large and -xlarge configurations. see comment in values/config.xml see comment in values/config.xml
Default rounded corner for controls
Default insets (outer padding) around controls
Default inner padding within controls
Padding above and below selection dialog lists.
The platform's desired minimum size for a dialog's width when it is along the major axis (that is the screen is landscape). This may be either a fraction or a dimension.
The platform's desired minimum size for a dialog's width when it is along the minor axis (that is the screen is portrait). This may be either a fraction or a dimension.
Width of the icon in a dropdown list
Text padding for dropdown items
Default padding for list items. This should match the action bar content inset so that ListActivity items line up correctly.
Preferred width of the search view.
Minimum width of the search view text entry area. Minimum width of the search view text entry area. Minimum width of the search view text entry area. Minimum width of the search view text entry area. Minimum width of the search view text entry area.
Since optical insets are not available pre-v18, we add a small amount of padding Since SwitchCompat can use optical insets on v18+, reset the manual padding
Use the default subtitle sizes on tablets. Default text size for action bar subtitle.
Use the default title sizes on tablets. Default text size for action bar title.
The platform's desired fixed height for a dialog along the major axis (the screen is in portrait). This may be either a fraction or a dimension. The platform's desired fixed height for a dialog along the major axis (the screen is in portrait). This may be either a fraction or a dimension. The platform's desired fixed height for a dialog along the major axis (the screen is in portrait). This may be either a fraction or a dimension.
The platform's desired fixed height for a dialog along the minor axis (the screen is in landscape). This may be either a fraction or a dimension. The platform's desired fixed height for a dialog along the minor axis (the screen is in landscape). This may be either a fraction or a dimension. The platform's desired fixed height for a dialog along the minor axis (the screen is in landscape). This may be either a fraction or a dimension.
The platform's desired fixed width for a dialog along the major axis (the screen is in landscape). This may be either a fraction or a dimension. The platform's desired fixed width for a dialog along the major axis (the screen is in landscape). This may be either a fraction or a dimension. The platform's desired fixed width for a dialog along the major axis (the screen is in landscape). This may be either a fraction or a dimension.
The platform's desired fixed width for a dialog along the minor axis (the screen is in portrait). This may be either a fraction or a dimension. The platform's desired fixed width for a dialog along the minor axis (the screen is in portrait). This may be either a fraction or a dimension. The platform's desired fixed width for a dialog along the minor axis (the screen is in portrait). This may be either a fraction or a dimension.
The width of the big icons in notifications.
The width of the big icons in notifications.
Size of smaller notification text (see TextAppearance.StatusBar.EventContent.Line2, Info, Time)