public class


extends Object

Class Overview

Class that can be used to lock and unlock the keyboard. Get an instance of this class by calling getSystemService(java.lang.String) with argument KEYGUARD_SERVICE. The Actual class to control the keyboard locking is KeyguardManager.KeyguardLock.


Nested Classes
class KeyguardManager.KeyguardLock This class is deprecated. Use FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD and/or FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED instead; this allows you to seamlessly hide the keyguard as your application moves in and out of the foreground and does not require that any special permissions be requested. Handle returned by newKeyguardLock(String) that allows you to disable / reenable the keyguard.  
interface KeyguardManager.OnKeyguardExitResult Callback passed to exitKeyguardSecurely(KeyguardManager.OnKeyguardExitResult) to notify caller of result. 
Public Methods
void exitKeyguardSecurely(KeyguardManager.OnKeyguardExitResult callback)
This method is deprecated. Use FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD and/or FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED instead; this allows you to seamlessly hide the keyguard as your application moves in and out of the foreground and does not require that any special permissions be requested. Exit the keyguard securely. The use case for this api is that, after disabling the keyguard, your app, which was granted permission to disable the keyguard and show a limited amount of information deemed safe without the user getting past the keyguard, needs to navigate to something that is not safe to view without getting past the keyguard. This will, if the keyguard is secure, bring up the unlock screen of the keyguard.
boolean inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode()
If keyguard screen is showing or in restricted key input mode (i.e.
KeyguardManager.KeyguardLock newKeyguardLock(String tag)
This method is deprecated. Use FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD and/or FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED instead; this allows you to seamlessly hide the keyguard as your application moves in and out of the foreground and does not require that any special permissions be requested. Enables you to lock or unlock the keyboard. Get an instance of this class by calling Context.getSystemService(). This class is wrapped by KeyguardManager.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public void exitKeyguardSecurely (KeyguardManager.OnKeyguardExitResult callback)

Since: API Level 1

This method is deprecated.
Use FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD and/or FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED instead; this allows you to seamlessly hide the keyguard as your application moves in and out of the foreground and does not require that any special permissions be requested. Exit the keyguard securely. The use case for this api is that, after disabling the keyguard, your app, which was granted permission to disable the keyguard and show a limited amount of information deemed safe without the user getting past the keyguard, needs to navigate to something that is not safe to view without getting past the keyguard. This will, if the keyguard is secure, bring up the unlock screen of the keyguard.

callback Let's you know whether the operation was succesful and it is safe to launch anything that would normally be considered safe once the user has gotten past the keyguard.

public boolean inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode ()

Since: API Level 1

If keyguard screen is showing or in restricted key input mode (i.e. in keyguard password emergency screen). When in such mode, certain keys, such as the Home key and the right soft keys, don't work.

  • true if in keyguard restricted input mode.
See Also
  • inKeyguardRestrictedKeyInputMode()

public KeyguardManager.KeyguardLock newKeyguardLock (String tag)

Since: API Level 1

This method is deprecated.
Use FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD and/or FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED instead; this allows you to seamlessly hide the keyguard as your application moves in and out of the foreground and does not require that any special permissions be requested. Enables you to lock or unlock the keyboard. Get an instance of this class by calling Context.getSystemService(). This class is wrapped by KeyguardManager.

tag A tag that informally identifies who you are (for debugging who is disabling he keyguard).