public static class


extends Object
   ↳ android.content.BroadcastReceiver.PendingResult

Class Overview

State for a result that is pending for a broadcast receiver. Returned by goAsync() while in BroadcastReceiver.onReceive(). This allows you to return from onReceive() without having the broadcast terminate; you must call finish() once you are done with the broadcast. This allows you to process the broadcast off of the main thread of your app.

Note on threading: the state inside of this class is not itself thread-safe, however you can use it from any thread if you properly sure that you do not have races. Typically this means you will hand the entire object to another thread, which will be solely responsible for setting any results and finally calling finish().


Public Methods
final void abortBroadcast()
Version of BroadcastReceiver.abortBroadcast() for asynchronous broadcast handling.
final void clearAbortBroadcast()
Version of BroadcastReceiver.clearAbortBroadcast() for asynchronous broadcast handling.
final void finish()
Finish the broadcast.
final boolean getAbortBroadcast()
Version of BroadcastReceiver.getAbortBroadcast() for asynchronous broadcast handling.
final int getResultCode()
Version of BroadcastReceiver.getResultCode() for asynchronous broadcast handling.
final String getResultData()
Version of BroadcastReceiver.getResultData() for asynchronous broadcast handling.
final Bundle getResultExtras(boolean makeMap)
Version of BroadcastReceiver.getResultExtras(boolean) for asynchronous broadcast handling.
final void setResult(int code, String data, Bundle extras)
Version of BroadcastReceiver.setResult(int, String, Bundle) for asynchronous broadcast handling.
final void setResultCode(int code)
Version of BroadcastReceiver.setResultCode(int) for asynchronous broadcast handling.
final void setResultData(String data)
Version of BroadcastReceiver.setResultData(String) for asynchronous broadcast handling.
final void setResultExtras(Bundle extras)
Version of BroadcastReceiver.setResultExtras(Bundle) for asynchronous broadcast handling.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public final void abortBroadcast ()

Since: API Level 11

Version of BroadcastReceiver.abortBroadcast() for asynchronous broadcast handling.

public final void clearAbortBroadcast ()

Since: API Level 11

Version of BroadcastReceiver.clearAbortBroadcast() for asynchronous broadcast handling.

public final void finish ()

Since: API Level 11

Finish the broadcast. The current result will be sent and the next broadcast will proceed.

public final boolean getAbortBroadcast ()

Since: API Level 11

Version of BroadcastReceiver.getAbortBroadcast() for asynchronous broadcast handling.

public final int getResultCode ()

Since: API Level 11

Version of BroadcastReceiver.getResultCode() for asynchronous broadcast handling.

public final String getResultData ()

Since: API Level 11

Version of BroadcastReceiver.getResultData() for asynchronous broadcast handling.

public final Bundle getResultExtras (boolean makeMap)

Since: API Level 11

Version of BroadcastReceiver.getResultExtras(boolean) for asynchronous broadcast handling.

public final void setResult (int code, String data, Bundle extras)

Since: API Level 11

Version of BroadcastReceiver.setResult(int, String, Bundle) for asynchronous broadcast handling.

public final void setResultCode (int code)

Since: API Level 11

Version of BroadcastReceiver.setResultCode(int) for asynchronous broadcast handling.

public final void setResultData (String data)

Since: API Level 11

Version of BroadcastReceiver.setResultData(String) for asynchronous broadcast handling.

public final void setResultExtras (Bundle extras)

Since: API Level 11

Version of BroadcastReceiver.setResultExtras(Bundle) for asynchronous broadcast handling.