public class


extends AsyncTaskLoader<D>
   ↳ android.content.Loader<D>
     ↳ android.content.AsyncTaskLoader<D>
       ↳ android.content.CursorLoader

Class Overview

A loader that queries the ContentResolver and returns a Cursor. This class implements the Loader protocol in a standard way for querying cursors, building on AsyncTaskLoader to perform the cursor query on a background thread so that it does not block the application's UI.

A CursorLoader must be built with the full information for the query to perform, either through the CursorLoader(Context, Uri, String[], String, String[], String) or creating an empty instance with CursorLoader(Context) and filling in the desired paramters with setUri(Uri), setSelection(String), setSelectionArgs(String[]), setSortOrder(String), and setProjection(String[]).


Public Constructors
CursorLoader(Context context)
Creates an empty unspecified CursorLoader.
CursorLoader(Context context, Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder)
Creates a fully-specified CursorLoader.
Public Methods
void deliverResult(Cursor cursor)
Sends the result of the load to the registered listener.
void dump(String prefix, FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args)
Print the Loader's state into the given stream.
String[] getProjection()
String getSelection()
String[] getSelectionArgs()
String getSortOrder()
Uri getUri()
Cursor loadInBackground()
void onCanceled(Cursor cursor)
Called if the task was canceled before it was completed.
void setProjection(String[] projection)
void setSelection(String selection)
void setSelectionArgs(String[] selectionArgs)
void setSortOrder(String sortOrder)
void setUri(Uri uri)
Protected Methods
void onReset()
Subclasses must implement this to take care of resetting their loader, as per reset().
void onStartLoading()
Starts an asynchronous load of the contacts list data.
void onStopLoading()
Must be called from the UI thread
Inherited Methods
From class android.content.AsyncTaskLoader
From class android.content.Loader
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public CursorLoader (Context context)

Since: API Level 11

Creates an empty unspecified CursorLoader. You must follow this with calls to setUri(Uri), setSelection(String), etc to specify the query to perform.

public CursorLoader (Context context, Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder)

Since: API Level 11

Creates a fully-specified CursorLoader. See ContentResolver.query() for documentation on the meaning of the parameters. These will be passed as-is to that call.

Public Methods

public void deliverResult (Cursor cursor)

Since: API Level 11

Sends the result of the load to the registered listener. Should only be called by subclasses. Must be called from the process's main thread.

cursor the result of the load

public void dump (String prefix, FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args)

Since: API Level 11

Print the Loader's state into the given stream.

prefix Text to print at the front of each line.
fd The raw file descriptor that the dump is being sent to.
writer A PrintWriter to which the dump is to be set.
args Additional arguments to the dump request.

public String[] getProjection ()

Since: API Level 11

public String getSelection ()

Since: API Level 11

public String[] getSelectionArgs ()

Since: API Level 11

public String getSortOrder ()

Since: API Level 11

public Uri getUri ()

Since: API Level 11

public Cursor loadInBackground ()

Since: API Level 11

public void onCanceled (Cursor cursor)

Since: API Level 11

Called if the task was canceled before it was completed. Gives the class a chance to properly dispose of the result.

public void setProjection (String[] projection)

Since: API Level 11

public void setSelection (String selection)

Since: API Level 11

public void setSelectionArgs (String[] selectionArgs)

Since: API Level 11

public void setSortOrder (String sortOrder)

Since: API Level 11

public void setUri (Uri uri)

Since: API Level 11

Protected Methods

protected void onReset ()

Since: API Level 11

Subclasses must implement this to take care of resetting their loader, as per reset(). This is not called by clients directly, but as a result of a call to reset(). This will always be called from the process's main thread.

protected void onStartLoading ()

Since: API Level 11

Starts an asynchronous load of the contacts list data. When the result is ready the callbacks will be called on the UI thread. If a previous load has been completed and is still valid the result may be passed to the callbacks immediately. Must be called from the UI thread

protected void onStopLoading ()

Since: API Level 11

Must be called from the UI thread