public class


extends FrameLayout
   ↳ android.view.View
     ↳ android.view.ViewGroup
       ↳ android.widget.FrameLayout
         ↳ android.widget.MediaController

Class Overview

A view containing controls for a MediaPlayer. Typically contains the buttons like "Play/Pause", "Rewind", "Fast Forward" and a progress slider. It takes care of synchronizing the controls with the state of the MediaPlayer.

The way to use this class is to instantiate it programatically. The MediaController will create a default set of controls and put them in a window floating above your application. Specifically, the controls will float above the view specified with setAnchorView(). The window will disappear if left idle for three seconds and reappear when the user touches the anchor view.

Functions like show() and hide() have no effect when MediaController is created in an xml layout. MediaController will hide and show the buttons according to these rules:

  • The "previous" and "next" buttons are hidden until setPrevNextListeners() has been called
  • The "previous" and "next" buttons are visible but disabled if setPrevNextListeners() was called with null listeners
  • The "rewind" and "fastforward" buttons are shown unless requested otherwise by using the MediaController(Context, boolean) constructor with the boolean set to false


Nested Classes
interface MediaController.MediaPlayerControl  
Inherited XML Attributes
From class android.widget.FrameLayout
From class android.view.ViewGroup
From class android.view.View
Inherited Constants
From class android.view.ViewGroup
From class android.view.View
Inherited Fields
From class android.view.View
Public Constructors
MediaController(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
MediaController(Context context, boolean useFastForward)
MediaController(Context context)
Public Methods
boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event)
Dispatch a key event to the next view on the focus path.
void hide()
Remove the controller from the screen.
boolean isShowing()
void onFinishInflate()
Finalize inflating a view from XML.
boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)
Implement this method to handle touch screen motion events.
boolean onTrackballEvent(MotionEvent ev)
Implement this method to handle trackball motion events.
void setAnchorView(View view)
Set the view that acts as the anchor for the control view.
void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
Set the enabled state of this view.
void setMediaPlayer(MediaController.MediaPlayerControl player)
void setPrevNextListeners(View.OnClickListener next, View.OnClickListener prev)
void show(int timeout)
Show the controller on screen.
void show()
Show the controller on screen.
Inherited Methods
From class android.widget.FrameLayout
From class android.view.ViewGroup
From class android.view.View
From class java.lang.Object
From interface
From interface android.view.KeyEvent.Callback
From interface android.view.ViewManager
From interface android.view.ViewParent
From interface android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventSource

Public Constructors

public MediaController (Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

Since: API Level 1

public MediaController (Context context, boolean useFastForward)

Since: API Level 1

public MediaController (Context context)

Since: API Level 1

Public Methods

public boolean dispatchKeyEvent (KeyEvent event)

Since: API Level 1

Dispatch a key event to the next view on the focus path. This path runs from the top of the view tree down to the currently focused view. If this view has focus, it will dispatch to itself. Otherwise it will dispatch the next node down the focus path. This method also fires any key listeners.

event The key event to be dispatched.
  • True if the event was handled, false otherwise.

public void hide ()

Since: API Level 1

Remove the controller from the screen.

public boolean isShowing ()

Since: API Level 1

public void onFinishInflate ()

Since: API Level 1

Finalize inflating a view from XML. This is called as the last phase of inflation, after all child views have been added.

Even if the subclass overrides onFinishInflate, they should always be sure to call the super method, so that we get called.

public boolean onTouchEvent (MotionEvent event)

Since: API Level 1

Implement this method to handle touch screen motion events.

event The motion event.
  • True if the event was handled, false otherwise.

public boolean onTrackballEvent (MotionEvent ev)

Since: API Level 1

Implement this method to handle trackball motion events. The relative movement of the trackball since the last event can be retrieve with MotionEvent.getX() and MotionEvent.getY(). These are normalized so that a movement of 1 corresponds to the user pressing one DPAD key (so they will often be fractional values, representing the more fine-grained movement information available from a trackball).

ev The motion event.
  • True if the event was handled, false otherwise.

public void setAnchorView (View view)

Since: API Level 1

Set the view that acts as the anchor for the control view. This can for example be a VideoView, or your Activity's main view.

view The view to which to anchor the controller when it is visible.

public void setEnabled (boolean enabled)

Since: API Level 1

Set the enabled state of this view. The interpretation of the enabled state varies by subclass.

enabled True if this view is enabled, false otherwise.

public void setMediaPlayer (MediaController.MediaPlayerControl player)

Since: API Level 1

public void setPrevNextListeners (View.OnClickListener next, View.OnClickListener prev)

Since: API Level 1

public void show (int timeout)

Since: API Level 1

Show the controller on screen. It will go away automatically after 'timeout' milliseconds of inactivity.

timeout The timeout in milliseconds. Use 0 to show the controller until hide() is called.

public void show ()

Since: API Level 1

Show the controller on screen. It will go away automatically after 3 seconds of inactivity.