Provides support for hardware devices that may not be present on every Android device.
Camera |
The Camera class is used to connect/disconnect with the camera service,
set capture settings, start/stop preview, snap a picture, and retrieve
frames for encoding for video. |
Camera.Parameters |
Handles the parameters for pictures created by a Camera service. |
Camera.Size |
Handles the picture size (dimensions). |
GeomagneticField |
This class is used to estimated estimate magnetic field at a given point on
Earth, and in particular, to compute the magnetic declination from true
north. |
Sensor |
Class representing a sensor. |
SensorEvent |
This class represents a sensor event and holds informations such as the
sensor type (eg: accelerometer, orientation, etc...), the time-stamp,
accuracy and of course the sensor's data. |
SensorManager |
Class that lets you access the device's sensors. |