Provides classes to manage Wi-Fi functionality on the device.
ScanResult | Describes information about a detected access point. |
WifiConfiguration | A class representing a configured Wi-Fi network, including the security configuration. |
WifiConfiguration.AuthAlgorithm | Recognized IEEE 802.11 authentication algorithms. |
WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher | Recognized group ciphers. |
WifiConfiguration.KeyMgmt | Recognized key management schemes. |
WifiConfiguration.PairwiseCipher | Recognized pairwise ciphers for WPA. |
WifiConfiguration.Protocol | Recognized security protocols. |
WifiConfiguration.Status | Possible status of a network configuration. |
WifiInfo | Describes the state of any Wifi connection that is active or is in the process of being set up. |
WifiManager | This class provides the primary API for managing all aspects of Wi-Fi connectivity. |
WifiManager.MulticastLock | Allows an application to receive Wifi Multicast packets. |
WifiManager.WifiLock | Allows an application to keep the Wi-Fi radio awake. |
SupplicantState | From defs.h in wpa_supplicant . |