The java.text package allows to uncouple the text in an application from natural languages.
AttributedCharacterIterator | Extends the CharacterIterator interface, adding support for iterating over attributes and not only characters. |
CharacterIterator | An interface for the bidirectional iteration over a group of characters. |
Annotation | Wrapper for a text attribute value which represents an annotation. |
AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute | Defines keys for text attributes. |
AttributedString | Holds a string with attributes describing the characters of this string. |
Bidi | Provides the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm. |
BreakIterator | Locates boundaries in text. |
ChoiceFormat | Returns a fixed string based on a numeric value. |
CollationElementIterator | Created by a RuleBasedCollator to iterate through a string. |
CollationKey | Represents a string under the rules of a specific Collator object. |
Collator | Performs locale-sensitive string comparison. |
DateFormat | An abstract class for date/time formatting subclasses which formats and parses dates or time in a language-independent manner. |
DateFormat.Field | The instances of this inner class are used as attribute keys and values
in AttributedCharacterIterator that the
formatToCharacterIterator(Object) method returns. |
DateFormatSymbols | Encapsulates localizable date-time formatting data, such as the names of the months, the names of the days of the week, and the time zone data. |
DecimalFormat | A concrete subclass of NumberFormat that formats decimal numbers. |
DecimalFormatSymbols | Encapsulates the set of symbols (such as the decimal separator, the grouping
separator, and so on) needed by DecimalFormat to format numbers. |
FieldPosition | Identifies fields in formatted strings. |
Format | The base class for all formats. |
Format.Field | Inner class used to represent Format attributes in the
AttributedCharacterIterator that the
formatToCharacterIterator() method returns in Format
subclasses. |
MessageFormat | Produces concatenated messages in language-neutral way. |
MessageFormat.Field | The instances of this inner class are used as attribute keys in
AttributedCharacterIterator that the
formatToCharacterIterator(Object) method returns. |
NumberFormat | The abstract base class for all number formats. |
NumberFormat.Field | The instances of this inner class are used as attribute keys and values
in AttributedCharacterIterator that the
formatToCharacterIterator(Object) method returns. |
ParsePosition | Tracks the current position in a parsed string. |
RuleBasedCollator | A concrete implementation class for Collation . |
SimpleDateFormat | A concrete class for formatting and parsing dates in a locale-sensitive manner. |
StringCharacterIterator | An implementation of CharacterIterator for strings. |
ParseException | Thrown when the string being parsed is not in the correct form. |