Provides convenience classes to access the content providers supplied by Android.
BaseColumns | |
Contacts.ContactMethodsColumns | Columns from the ContactMethods table that other tables join into themseleves. |
Contacts.ExtensionsColumns | |
Contacts.GroupsColumns | Columns from the groups table. |
Contacts.OrganizationColumns | Columns from the Organizations table that other columns join into themselves. |
Contacts.PeopleColumns | Columns from the People table that other tables join into themselves. |
Contacts.PhonesColumns | Columns from the Phones table that other columns join into themselves. |
Contacts.PhotosColumns | Columns from the Photos table that other columns join into themselves. |
Contacts.PresenceColumns | The IM presence columns with some contacts specific columns mixed in. |
Contacts.SettingsColumns | Columns from the Settings table that other columns join into themselves. |
MediaStore.Audio.AlbumColumns | Columns representing an album |
MediaStore.Audio.ArtistColumns | Columns representing an artist |
MediaStore.Audio.AudioColumns | Columns for audio file that show up in multiple tables. |
MediaStore.Audio.GenresColumns | Columns representing an audio genre |
MediaStore.Audio.PlaylistsColumns | Columns representing a playlist |
MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns | |
MediaStore.MediaColumns | Common fields for most MediaProvider tables |
MediaStore.Video.VideoColumns | |
OpenableColumns | These are standard columns for openable URIs. |
Browser | |
Browser.BookmarkColumns | |
Browser.SearchColumns | |
CallLog | The CallLog provider contains information about placed and received calls. |
CallLog.Calls | Contains the recent calls. |
Contacts | The Contacts provider stores all information about contacts. |
Contacts.ContactMethods | This table stores all non-phone contact methods and a reference to the person that the contact method belongs to. |
Contacts.Extensions | The extensions for a person |
Contacts.GroupMembership | |
Contacts.Groups | This table contains the groups for an account. |
Contacts.Intents | Contains helper classes used to create or manage Intents that involve contacts. |
Contacts.Intents.Insert | Convenience class that contains string constants used to create contact Intents. |
Contacts.Intents.UI | Intents related to the Contacts app UI. |
Contacts.Organizations | A sub directory of a single person that contains all of their Phones. |
Contacts.People | This table contains people. |
Contacts.People.ContactMethods | A subdirectory of a single person that contains all of their ContactMethods. |
Contacts.People.Extensions | The extensions for a person |
Contacts.People.Phones | A sub directory of a single person that contains all of their Phones. |
Contacts.Phones | This table stores phone numbers and a reference to the person that the contact method belongs to. |
Contacts.Photos | The photos over all of the people |
Contacts.Settings | The settings over all of the people |
LiveFolders | A LiveFolder is a special folder whose content is provided by a ContentProvider. |
MediaStore | The Media provider contains meta data for all available media on both internal and external storage devices. |
MediaStore.Audio | Container for all audio content. |
MediaStore.Audio.Albums | Contains artists for audio files |
MediaStore.Audio.Artists | Contains artists for audio files |
MediaStore.Audio.Artists.Albums | Sub-directory of each artist containing all albums on which a song by the artist appears. |
MediaStore.Audio.Genres | Contains all genres for audio files |
MediaStore.Audio.Genres.Members | Sub-directory of each genre containing all members. |
MediaStore.Audio.Media | |
MediaStore.Audio.Playlists | Contains playlists for audio files |
MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members | Sub-directory of each playlist containing all members. |
MediaStore.Images | Contains meta data for all available images. |
MediaStore.Images.Media | |
MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails | |
MediaStore.Video | |
MediaStore.Video.Media | |
SearchRecentSuggestions | This is a utility class providing access to SearchRecentSuggestionsProvider. |
Settings | The Settings provider contains global system-level device preferences. |
Settings.NameValueTable | Common base for tables of name/value settings. |
Settings.Secure | Secure system settings, containing system preferences that applications can read but are not allowed to write. |
Settings.System | System settings, containing miscellaneous system preferences. |
UserDictionary | A provider of user defined words for input methods to use for predictive text input. |
UserDictionary.Words | Contains the user defined words. |