public abstract class


extends ActivityTestCase
   ↳ junit.framework.Assert
     ↳ junit.framework.TestCase
       ↳ android.test.InstrumentationTestCase
         ↳ android.test.ActivityTestCase
           ↳ android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase<T extends>

This class is deprecated.
new tests should be written using ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2, which provides more options for configuring the Activity under test

Class Overview

This class provides functional testing of a single activity. The activity under test will be created using the system infrastructure (by calling InstrumentationTestCase.launchActivity()) and you will then be able to manipulate your Activity directly. Most of the work is handled automatically here by setUp() and tearDown().

If you prefer an isolated unit test, see ActivityUnitTestCase.


Public Constructors
ActivityInstrumentationTestCase(String pkg, Class<T> activityClass)
Creates an ActivityInstrumentationTestCase in non-touch mode.
ActivityInstrumentationTestCase(String pkg, Class<T> activityClass, boolean initialTouchMode)
Public Methods
T getActivity()
void testActivityTestCaseSetUpProperly()
Protected Methods
void setUp()
Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection.
void tearDown()
Make sure all resources are cleaned up and garbage collected before moving on to the next test.
Inherited Methods
From class android.test.ActivityTestCase
From class android.test.InstrumentationTestCase
From class junit.framework.TestCase
From class junit.framework.Assert
From class java.lang.Object
From interface junit.framework.Test

Public Constructors

public ActivityInstrumentationTestCase (String pkg, Class<T> activityClass)

Since: API Level 1

Creates an ActivityInstrumentationTestCase in non-touch mode.

pkg ignored - no longer in use.
activityClass The activity to test. This must be a class in the instrumentation targetPackage specified in the AndroidManifest.xml

public ActivityInstrumentationTestCase (String pkg, Class<T> activityClass, boolean initialTouchMode)

Since: API Level 1
pkg ignored - no longer in use.
activityClass The activity to test. This must be a class in the instrumentation targetPackage specified in the AndroidManifest.xml
initialTouchMode true = in touch mode

Public Methods

public T getActivity ()

Since: API Level 1

  • Returns the activity under test.

public void testActivityTestCaseSetUpProperly ()

Since: API Level 1


Protected Methods

protected void setUp ()

Since: API Level 1

Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection. This method is called before a test is executed.


protected void tearDown ()

Since: API Level 1

Make sure all resources are cleaned up and garbage collected before moving on to the next test. Subclasses that override this method should make sure they call super.tearDown() at the end of the overriding method.
