public abstract class


extends InstrumentationTestCase
   ↳ junit.framework.Assert
     ↳ junit.framework.TestCase
       ↳ android.test.InstrumentationTestCase
         ↳ android.test.ProviderTestCase<T extends android.content.ContentProvider>

This class is deprecated.
this class extends InstrumentationTestCase but should extend AndroidTestCase. Use ProviderTestCase2, which corrects this problem, instead.

Class Overview

If you would like to test a single content provider with an InstrumentationTestCase, this provides some of the boiler plate in setUp() and tearDown().


Public Constructors
ProviderTestCase(Class<T> providerClass, String providerAuthority)
Public Methods
MockContentResolver getMockContentResolver()
IsolatedContext getMockContext()
T getProvider()
static <T extends ContentProvider> ContentResolver newResolverWithContentProviderFromSql(Context targetContext, Class<T> providerClass, String authority, String databaseName, int databaseVersion, String sql)
Protected Methods
void setUp()
Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection.
void tearDown()
Tears down the environment for the test fixture.
Inherited Methods
From class android.test.InstrumentationTestCase
From class junit.framework.TestCase
From class junit.framework.Assert
From class java.lang.Object
From interface junit.framework.Test

Public Constructors

public ProviderTestCase (Class<T> providerClass, String providerAuthority)

Since: API Level 1

Public Methods

public MockContentResolver getMockContentResolver ()

Since: API Level 1

public IsolatedContext getMockContext ()

Since: API Level 1

public T getProvider ()

Since: API Level 1

public static ContentResolver newResolverWithContentProviderFromSql (Context targetContext, Class<T> providerClass, String authority, String databaseName, int databaseVersion, String sql)

Since: API Level 1

Protected Methods

protected void setUp ()

Since: API Level 1

Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection. This method is called before a test is executed.


protected void tearDown ()

Since: API Level 1

Tears down the environment for the test fixture.

Calls shutdown() on the ContentProvider represented by mProvider.
