public class


extends Object
   ↳ android.text.TextUtils


Nested Classes
interface TextUtils.EllipsizeCallback  
class TextUtils.SimpleStringSplitter A simple string splitter. 
interface TextUtils.StringSplitter An interface for splitting strings according to rules that are opaque to the user of this interface. 
enum TextUtils.TruncateAt  
int CAP_MODE_CHARACTERS Capitalization mode for getCapsMode(CharSequence, int, int): capitalize all characters.
int CAP_MODE_SENTENCES Capitalization mode for getCapsMode(CharSequence, int, int): capitalize the first character of each sentence.
int CAP_MODE_WORDS Capitalization mode for getCapsMode(CharSequence, int, int): capitalize the first character of all words.
Public Methods
static CharSequence commaEllipsize(CharSequence text, TextPaint p, float avail, String oneMore, String more)
Converts a CharSequence of the comma-separated form "Andy, Bob, Charles, David" that is too wide to fit into the specified width into one like "Andy, Bob, 2 more".
static CharSequence concat(CharSequence... text)
Returns a CharSequence concatenating the specified CharSequences, retaining their spans if any.
static void copySpansFrom(Spanned source, int start, int end, Class kind, Spannable dest, int destoff)
Copies the spans from the region start...end in source to the region destoff...destoff+end-start in dest.
static void dumpSpans(CharSequence cs, Printer printer, String prefix)
Debugging tool to print the spans in a CharSequence.
static CharSequence ellipsize(CharSequence text, TextPaint p, float avail, TextUtils.TruncateAt where, boolean preserveLength, TextUtils.EllipsizeCallback callback)
Returns the original text if it fits in the specified width given the properties of the specified Paint, or, if it does not fit, a copy with ellipsis character added at the specified edge or center.
static CharSequence ellipsize(CharSequence text, TextPaint p, float avail, TextUtils.TruncateAt where)
Returns the original text if it fits in the specified width given the properties of the specified Paint, or, if it does not fit, a truncated copy with ellipsis character added at the specified edge or center.
static boolean equals(CharSequence a, CharSequence b)
Returns true if a and b are equal, including if they are both null.
static CharSequence expandTemplate(CharSequence template, CharSequence... values)
Replace instances of "^1", "^2", etc.
static int getCapsMode(CharSequence cs, int off, int reqModes)
Determine what caps mode should be in effect at the current offset in the text.
static void getChars(CharSequence s, int start, int end, char[] dest, int destoff)
static int getOffsetAfter(CharSequence text, int offset)
static int getOffsetBefore(CharSequence text, int offset)
static CharSequence getReverse(CharSequence source, int start, int end)
static int getTrimmedLength(CharSequence s)
Returns the length that the specified CharSequence would have if spaces and control characters were trimmed from the start and end, as by trim().
static String htmlEncode(String s)
Html-encode the string.
static int indexOf(CharSequence s, CharSequence needle)
static int indexOf(CharSequence s, char ch, int start, int end)
static int indexOf(CharSequence s, CharSequence needle, int start)
static int indexOf(CharSequence s, CharSequence needle, int start, int end)
static int indexOf(CharSequence s, char ch)
static int indexOf(CharSequence s, char ch, int start)
static boolean isDigitsOnly(CharSequence str)
Returns whether the given CharSequence contains only digits.
static boolean isEmpty(CharSequence str)
Returns true if the string is null or 0-length.
static boolean isGraphic(char c)
Returns whether this character is a printable character.
static boolean isGraphic(CharSequence str)
Returns whether the given CharSequence contains any printable characters.
static String join(CharSequence delimiter, Iterable tokens)
Returns a string containing the tokens joined by delimiters.
static String join(CharSequence delimiter, Object[] tokens)
Returns a string containing the tokens joined by delimiters.
static int lastIndexOf(CharSequence s, char ch, int start, int last)
static int lastIndexOf(CharSequence s, char ch, int last)
static int lastIndexOf(CharSequence s, char ch)
static boolean regionMatches(CharSequence one, int toffset, CharSequence two, int ooffset, int len)
static CharSequence replace(CharSequence template, String[] sources, CharSequence[] destinations)
Return a new CharSequence in which each of the source strings is replaced by the corresponding element of the destinations.
static String[] split(String text, Pattern pattern)
Splits a string on a pattern.
static String[] split(String text, String expression)
String.split() returns [''] when the string to be split is empty.
static CharSequence stringOrSpannedString(CharSequence source)
static String substring(CharSequence source, int start, int end)
Create a new String object containing the given range of characters from the source string.
static void writeToParcel(CharSequence cs, Parcel p, int parcelableFlags)
Flatten a CharSequence and whatever styles can be copied across processes into the parcel.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final int CAP_MODE_CHARACTERS

Since: API Level 3

Capitalization mode for getCapsMode(CharSequence, int, int): capitalize all characters. This value is explicitly defined to be the same as TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_CHARACTERS.

Constant Value: 4096 (0x00001000)

public static final int CAP_MODE_SENTENCES

Since: API Level 3

Capitalization mode for getCapsMode(CharSequence, int, int): capitalize the first character of each sentence. This value is explicitly defined to be the same as TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_SENTENCES.

Constant Value: 16384 (0x00004000)

public static final int CAP_MODE_WORDS

Since: API Level 3

Capitalization mode for getCapsMode(CharSequence, int, int): capitalize the first character of all words. This value is explicitly defined to be the same as TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_WORDS.

Constant Value: 8192 (0x00002000)

public static final Creator<CharSequence> CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR

Since: API Level 1

Public Methods

public static CharSequence commaEllipsize (CharSequence text, TextPaint p, float avail, String oneMore, String more)

Since: API Level 1

Converts a CharSequence of the comma-separated form "Andy, Bob, Charles, David" that is too wide to fit into the specified width into one like "Andy, Bob, 2 more".

text the text to truncate
p the Paint with which to measure the text
avail the horizontal width available for the text
oneMore the string for "1 more" in the current locale
more the string for "%d more" in the current locale

public static CharSequence concat (CharSequence... text)

Since: API Level

Returns a CharSequence concatenating the specified CharSequences, retaining their spans if any.

public static void copySpansFrom (Spanned source, int start, int end, Class kind, Spannable dest, int destoff)

Since: API Level 1

Copies the spans from the region start...end in source to the region destoff...destoff+end-start in dest. Spans in source that begin before start or end after end but overlap this range are trimmed as if they began at start or ended at end.

IndexOutOfBoundsException if any of the copied spans are out of range in dest.

public static void dumpSpans (CharSequence cs, Printer printer, String prefix)

Since: API Level 3

Debugging tool to print the spans in a CharSequence. The output will be printed one span per line. If the CharSequence is not a Spanned, then the entire string will be printed on a single line.

public static CharSequence ellipsize (CharSequence text, TextPaint p, float avail, TextUtils.TruncateAt where, boolean preserveLength, TextUtils.EllipsizeCallback callback)

Since: API Level 1

Returns the original text if it fits in the specified width given the properties of the specified Paint, or, if it does not fit, a copy with ellipsis character added at the specified edge or center. If preserveLength is specified, the returned copy will be padded with zero-width spaces to preserve the original length and offsets instead of truncating. If callback is non-null, it will be called to report the start and end of the ellipsized range.

public static CharSequence ellipsize (CharSequence text, TextPaint p, float avail, TextUtils.TruncateAt where)

Since: API Level 1

Returns the original text if it fits in the specified width given the properties of the specified Paint, or, if it does not fit, a truncated copy with ellipsis character added at the specified edge or center.

public static boolean equals (CharSequence a, CharSequence b)

Since: API Level 1

Returns true if a and b are equal, including if they are both null.

Note: In platform versions 1.1 and earlier, this method only worked well if both the arguments were instances of String.

a first CharSequence to check
b second CharSequence to check
  • true if a and b are equal

public static CharSequence expandTemplate (CharSequence template, CharSequence... values)

Since: API Level

Replace instances of "^1", "^2", etc. in the template CharSequence with the corresponding values. "^^" is used to produce a single caret in the output. Only up to 9 replacement values are supported, "^10" will be produce the first replacement value followed by a '0'.

template the input text containing "^1"-style placeholder values. This object is not modified; a copy is returned.
values CharSequences substituted into the template. The first is substituted for "^1", the second for "^2", and so on.
  • the new CharSequence produced by doing the replacement
IllegalArgumentException if the template requests a value that was not provided, or if more than 9 values are provided.

public static int getCapsMode (CharSequence cs, int off, int reqModes)

Since: API Level 3

Determine what caps mode should be in effect at the current offset in the text. Only the mode bits set in reqModes will be checked. Note that the caps mode flags here are explicitly defined to match those in InputType.

cs The text that should be checked for caps modes.
off Location in the text at which to check.
reqModes The modes to be checked: may be any combination of CAP_MODE_CHARACTERS, CAP_MODE_WORDS, and CAP_MODE_SENTENCES.

public static void getChars (CharSequence s, int start, int end, char[] dest, int destoff)

Since: API Level 1

public static int getOffsetAfter (CharSequence text, int offset)

Since: API Level 1

public static int getOffsetBefore (CharSequence text, int offset)

Since: API Level 1

public static CharSequence getReverse (CharSequence source, int start, int end)

Since: API Level 1

public static int getTrimmedLength (CharSequence s)

Since: API Level 1

Returns the length that the specified CharSequence would have if spaces and control characters were trimmed from the start and end, as by trim().

public static String htmlEncode (String s)

Since: API Level 1

Html-encode the string.

s the string to be encoded
  • the encoded string

public static int indexOf (CharSequence s, CharSequence needle)

Since: API Level 1

public static int indexOf (CharSequence s, char ch, int start, int end)

Since: API Level 1

public static int indexOf (CharSequence s, CharSequence needle, int start)

Since: API Level 1

public static int indexOf (CharSequence s, CharSequence needle, int start, int end)

Since: API Level 1

public static int indexOf (CharSequence s, char ch)

Since: API Level 1

public static int indexOf (CharSequence s, char ch, int start)

Since: API Level 1

public static boolean isDigitsOnly (CharSequence str)

Since: API Level 1

Returns whether the given CharSequence contains only digits.

public static boolean isEmpty (CharSequence str)

Since: API Level 1

Returns true if the string is null or 0-length.

str the string to be examined
  • true if str is null or zero length

public static boolean isGraphic (char c)

Since: API Level 1

Returns whether this character is a printable character.

public static boolean isGraphic (CharSequence str)

Since: API Level 1

Returns whether the given CharSequence contains any printable characters.

public static String join (CharSequence delimiter, Iterable tokens)

Since: API Level 1

Returns a string containing the tokens joined by delimiters.

tokens an array objects to be joined. Strings will be formed from the objects by calling object.toString().

public static String join (CharSequence delimiter, Object[] tokens)

Since: API Level 1

Returns a string containing the tokens joined by delimiters.

tokens an array objects to be joined. Strings will be formed from the objects by calling object.toString().

public static int lastIndexOf (CharSequence s, char ch, int start, int last)

Since: API Level 1

public static int lastIndexOf (CharSequence s, char ch, int last)

Since: API Level 1

public static int lastIndexOf (CharSequence s, char ch)

Since: API Level 1

public static boolean regionMatches (CharSequence one, int toffset, CharSequence two, int ooffset, int len)

Since: API Level 1

public static CharSequence replace (CharSequence template, String[] sources, CharSequence[] destinations)

Since: API Level 1

Return a new CharSequence in which each of the source strings is replaced by the corresponding element of the destinations.

public static String[] split (String text, Pattern pattern)

Since: API Level 1

Splits a string on a pattern. String.split() returns [''] when the string to be split is empty. This returns []. This does not remove any empty strings from the result.

text the string to split
pattern the regular expression to match
  • an array of strings. The array will be empty if text is empty
NullPointerException if expression or text is null

public static String[] split (String text, String expression)

Since: API Level 1

String.split() returns [''] when the string to be split is empty. This returns []. This does not remove any empty strings from the result. For example split("a,", "," ) returns {"a", ""}.

text the string to split
expression the regular expression to match
  • an array of strings. The array will be empty if text is empty
NullPointerException if expression or text is null

public static CharSequence stringOrSpannedString (CharSequence source)

Since: API Level 1

public static String substring (CharSequence source, int start, int end)

Since: API Level 1

Create a new String object containing the given range of characters from the source string. This is different than simply calling CharSequence.subSequence in that it does not preserve any style runs in the source sequence, allowing a more efficient implementation.

public static void writeToParcel (CharSequence cs, Parcel p, int parcelableFlags)

Since: API Level 1

Flatten a CharSequence and whatever styles can be copied across processes into the parcel.