AbstractMethodError |
Thrown by the virtual machine when an abstract method is called. |
AbstractQueuedSynchronizer |
Provides a framework for implementing blocking locks and related
synchronizers (semaphores, events, etc) that rely on
first-in-first-out (FIFO) wait queues. |
AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.ConditionObject |
Condition implementation for a AbstractQueuedSynchronizer serving as the basis of a Lock implementation. |
AccessControlException |
AccessControlException is thrown if the access control infrastructure
denies protected access due to missing permissions. |
AclNotFoundException |
The exception, that is thrown when a reference to a non-existent Access
Control List (ACL) is made. |
ActivityNotFoundException |
This exception is thrown when a call to startActivity(Intent) or
one of its variants fails because an Activity can not be found to execute
the given Intent. |
AllPermission |
AllPermission represents the permission to perform any operation. |
AllocationLimitError |
Is thrown when an allocation limit is exceeded. |
AlreadyConnectedException |
An AlreadyConnectedException is thrown when an attempt is made to
connect a SocketChannel that is already connected. |
AndroidException |
Base class for all checked exceptions thrown by the Android frameworks. |
AndroidRuntimeException |
Base class for all unchecked exceptions thrown by the Android frameworks. |
AnnotationFormatError |
Indicates that an annotation in the binary representation of a class is
syntactically incorrect and the annotation parser is unable to process it. |
AnnotationTypeMismatchException |
Indicates that an annotation type has changed since it was compiled or
serialized. |
ArithmeticException |
Thrown when the an invalid arithmetic operation is attempted. |
ArrayBlockingQueue<E> |
A bounded blocking queue backed by an
array. |
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException |
Thrown when the an array is indexed with a value less than zero, or greater
than or equal to the size of the array. |
ArrayList<E> |
ArrayList is an implementation of List, backed by an array. |
ArrayStoreException |
Thrown when a program attempts to store an element of an incompatible type in
an array. |
AssertionError |
Thrown when an assertion has failed. |
AssertionFailedError |
Thrown when an assertion failed. |
AsyncTask.Status |
Indicates the current status of the task. |
AsynchronousCloseException |
An AsynchronousCloseException is thrown when the underlying channel
for an I/O operation is closed by another thread. |
AtomicBoolean |
A boolean value that may be updated atomically. |
AtomicInteger |
An int value that may be updated atomically. |
AtomicIntegerArray |
An int array in which elements may be updated atomically. |
AtomicLong |
A long value that may be updated atomically. |
AtomicLongArray |
A long array in which elements may be updated atomically. |
AtomicReference<V> |
An object reference that may be updated atomically. |
AtomicReferenceArray<E> |
An array of object references in which elements may be updated
atomically. |
AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute |
Defines keys for text attributes. |
AuthPermission |
Governs the use of methods in this package and also its subpackages. |
AuthProvider |
AuthProvider is an abstract superclass for Java Security Provider which provide login and logout. |
AuthenticationException |
Signals a failure in authentication process |
Authenticator.RequestorType |
Enumeration class for the origin of the authentication request. |
AvoidXfermode.Mode |
BackingStoreException |
An exception to indicate that an error was encountered while accessing the
backing store. |
BadPaddingException |
The exception that is thrown when a padding mechanism is expected for the
input data, but the input data does not have the proper padding bytes. |
BadParcelableException |
The object you are calling has died, because its hosting process
no longer exists. |
BasicHttpParams |
This class represents a collection of HTTP protocol parameters. |
BasicPermission |
BasicPermission is the common base class of all permissions which
have a name but no action lists. |
BatchUpdateException |
This exception is thrown if a problem occurs during a batch update operation. |
BigDecimal |
This class represents immutable arbitrary precision decimal numbers. |
BigInteger |
This class represents immutable integer numbers of arbitrary length. |
BindException |
A BindException is thrown when a process cannot bind a local
address/port, either because it is already bound or reserved by the OS. |
BitSet |
The BitSet class implements a bit field. |
Bitmap.CompressFormat |
Specifies the known formats a bitmap can be compressed into
Bitmap.Config |
BlurMaskFilter.Blur |
Boolean |
The wrapper for the primitive type boolean . |
BrokenBarrierException |
Exception thrown when a thread tries to wait upon a barrier that is
in a broken state, or which enters the broken state while the thread
is waiting. |
BufferOverflowException |
A BufferOverflowException is thrown when elements are written
to a buffer but there is not enough remaining space in the buffer. |
BufferUnderflowException |
A BufferUnderflowException is thrown when elements are read
from a buffer but there are not enough remaining elements in the buffer. |
Byte |
The wrapper for the primitive type byte . |
CRLException |
The exception that is thrown if errors occur during handling of CRL s. |
Calendar |
Calendar is an abstract base class for converting between a
Date object and a set of integer fields such as
HOUR , and so on. |
CancellationException |
Exception indicating that the result of a value-producing task,
such as a FutureTask, cannot be retrieved because the task
was cancelled. |
CancelledKeyException |
A CancelledKeyException is thrown when an invalid selection key is
used. |
Canvas.EdgeType |
Canvas.VertexMode |
CertPath |
An immutable certificate path that can be validated. |
CertPath.CertPathRep |
The alternate Serializable class to be used for serialization and
deserialization on CertPath objects. |
CertPathBuilderException |
The exception that is thrown when a CertPathBuilder method fails. |
CertPathValidatorException |
The exception that is thrown when a certification path (or certificate chain)
cannot be validated. |
CertStoreException |
The exception that is thrown when an access to a CertStore fails. |
Certificate |
Abstract class to represent identity certificates. |
Certificate.CertificateRep |
The alternate Serializable class to be used for serialization and
deserialization of Certificate objects. |
CertificateEncodingException |
The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while a Certificate
is being encoded. |
CertificateException |
The base class for all Certificate related exceptions. |
CertificateExpiredException |
The exception that is thrown when a Certificate has expired. |
CertificateNotYetValidException |
The exception that is thrown when a Certificate is not yet valid. |
CertificateParsingException |
The exception that is thrown when a Certificate can not be parsed. |
CharConversionException |
The top level class for character conversion exceptions. |
Character |
The wrapper for the primitive type char . |
CharacterCodingException |
A CharacterCodingException is thrown when an encoding or decoding
error occurs. |
ChoiceFormat |
Returns a fixed string based on a numeric value. |
CircularRedirectException |
Signals a circular redirect |
Class<T> |
The in-memory representation of a Java class. |
ClassCastException |
Thrown when a program attempts to cast a an object to a type with which it is
not compatible. |
ClassCircularityError |
Thrown when the virtual machine notices that an attempt is made to load a
class which would directly or indirectly inherit from one of its subclasses. |
ClassFormatError |
Thrown by a class loader when a class file has an illegal format or if the
data that it contains can not be interpreted as a class. |
ClassNotFoundException |
Thrown when a class loader is unable to find a class. |
ClientProtocolException |
Signals an error in the HTTP protocol. |
CloneNotSupportedException |
Thrown when a program attempts to clone an object which does not support the
Cloneable interface. |
ClosedByInterruptException |
A ClosedByInterruptException is thrown when a thread is interrupted
in a blocking I/O operation. |
ClosedChannelException |
A ClosedChannelException is thrown when a channel is closed for the
type of operation attempted. |
ClosedSelectorException |
A ClosedSelectorException is thrown when a selector
is closed and an I/O operation is attempted. |
CodeSigner |
CodeSigner represents a signer of code. |
CodeSource |
CodeSource encapsulates the location from where code is loaded and
the certificates that were used to verify that code. |
CoderMalfunctionError |
A CoderMalfunctionError is thrown when the encoder/decoder is
malfunctioning. |
ComparisonFailure |
Thrown when an assert equals for Strings failed. |
ConcurrentHashMap<K, V> |
A hash table supporting full concurrency of retrievals and
adjustable expected concurrency for updates. |
ConcurrentLinkedQueue<E> |
An unbounded thread-safe queue based on linked nodes. |
ConcurrentModificationException |
An ConcurrentModificationException is thrown when a Collection is
modified and an existing iterator on the Collection is used to modify the
Collection as well. |
ConnectException |
A ConnectException is thrown if a connection cannot be established to
a remote host on a specific port. |
ConnectTimeoutException |
A timeout while connecting to an HTTP server or waiting for an
available connection from an HttpConnectionManager. |
ConnectionClosedException |
Indicates that a connection has been closed. |
ConnectionEvent |
Sent when specific events happen on a PooledConnection object. |
ConnectionPendingException |
A ConnectionPendingException is thrown when an attempt is made to
connect a SocketChannel that has a non-blocking connection already
underway. |
ConnectionPoolTimeoutException |
A timeout while waiting for an available connection
from a connection manager. |
CookieIdentityComparator |
This cookie comparator can be used to compare identity of cookies. |
CookiePathComparator |
This cookie comparator ensures that multiple cookies satisfying
a common criteria are ordered in the Cookie header such
that those with more specific Path attributes precede those with
less specific. |
CopyOnWriteArrayList<E> |
Implements a ArrayList variant that is thread-safe. |
CopyOnWriteArraySet<E> |
A Set that uses CopyOnWriteArrayList for all of its
operations. |
Currency |
This class represents a currency as identified in the ISO 4217 currency
codes. |
CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException |
An exception indicating that a cursor is out of bounds. |
CursorJoiner.Result |
The result of a call to next(). |
DHPrivateKey |
The interface for a private key in the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol. |
DHPublicKey |
The interface for a public key in the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol. |
DOMException |
DOM operations only raise exceptions in "exceptional" circumstances, i.e.,
when an operation is impossible to perform (either for logical reasons,
because data is lost, or because the implementation has become unstable). |
DSAPrivateKey |
The interface for a Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) private key. |
DSAPublicKey |
The interface for a Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) public key. |
DataFormatException |
DataFormatException is used to indicate an error in the format of a
particular data stream which is to be uncompressed. |
DataTruncation |
An exception which is thrown when a JDBC driver unexpectedly truncates a data
value either when reading (resulting in warning), or when writing data
(resulting in an error). |
Date |
Date represents a specific moment in time, to the millisecond. |
DateFormat |
An abstract class for date/time formatting subclasses which formats and
parses dates or time in a language-independent manner. |
DateFormat.Field |
The instances of this inner class are used as attribute keys and values
in AttributedCharacterIterator that the
formatToCharacterIterator(Object) method returns. |
DateFormatSymbols |
Encapsulates localizable date-time formatting data, such as the names of the
months, the names of the days of the week, and the time zone data. |
DateParseException |
An exception to indicate an error parsing a date string. |
DeadObjectException |
The object you are calling has died, because its hosting process
no longer exists. |
DecimalFormat |
A concrete subclass of NumberFormat that formats decimal numbers. |
DecimalFormatSymbols |
Encapsulates the set of symbols (such as the decimal separator, the grouping
separator, and so on) needed by DecimalFormat to format numbers. |
DestroyFailedException |
Signals that the destroy() method failed. |
DigestException |
DigestException is a general message digest exception. |
Double |
The wrapper for the primitive type double . |
DuplicateFormatFlagsException |
The unchecked exception will be thrown out if there are duplicate flags given
out in the format specifier. |
ECPrivateKey |
The interface for an Elliptic Curve (EC) private key. |
ECPublicKey |
The interface for an Elliptic Curve (EC) public key. |
EOFException |
Thrown when a program encounters the end of a file or stream during an input
operation. |
ElementType |
Defines an enumeration for Java program elements. |
EmptyStackException |
An EmptyStackException is thrown if the pop/peek method of a stack is
executed on an empty stack. |
Enum<E extends Enum<E>> |
The superclass of all enumerated types. |
EnumConstantNotPresentException |
Thrown if an enum constant does not exist for a particular name. |
EnumMap<K extends Enum<K>, V> |
An Map specialized for use with Enum types as keys. |
EnumSet<E extends Enum<E>> |
An EnumSet is a specialized Set to be used with enums as keys. |
Error |
Error is the superclass of all classes that represent unrecoverable
errors. |
EventObject |
EventObject s represent events. |
Exception |
Exception is the superclass of all classes that represent recoverable
exceptions. |
ExceptionInInitializerError |
Thrown when an exception occurs during class initialization. |
ExecutionException |
Exception thrown when attempting to retrieve the result of a task
that aborted by throwing an exception. |
ExemptionMechanismException |
This is the base class for ExemptionMechanismException . |
Externalizable |
Defines an interface for classes that want to be serializable, but have their
own binary representation. |
FactoryConfigurationError |
Represents an error that occurred during the configuration of parser factory. |
File |
An "abstract" representation of a file system entity identified by a
pathname. |
FileLockInterruptionException |
A FileLockInterruptionException is thrown when a thread is
interrupted while waiting to acquire a file lock. |
FileNotFoundException |
Thrown when a file specified by a program cannot be found. |
FilePermission |
A permission for accessing a file or directory. |
Float |
The wrapper for the primitive type float . |
Format |
The base class for all formats. |
Format.Field |
Inner class used to represent Format attributes in the
AttributedCharacterIterator that the
formatToCharacterIterator() method returns in Format
subclasses. |
FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException |
A FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException will be thrown if a
conversion and the flags are incompatible. |
Formatter.BigDecimalLayoutForm |
The enumeration giving the available styles for formatting very large
decimal numbers. |
FormatterClosedException |
A FormatterClosedException will be thrown if the formatter has been
closed. |
GLException |
An exception class for OpenGL errors. |
GeneralSecurityException |
GeneralSecurityException is a general security exception and the
superclass for all security specific exceptions. |
GenericSignatureFormatError |
Indicates that a malformed signature has been encountered via a reflective
method. |
GradientDrawable.Orientation |
Controls how the gradient is oriented relative to the drawable's bounds
GregorianCalendar |
GregorianCalendar is a concrete subclass of Calendar
and provides the standard calendar used by most of the world. |
GuardedObject |
GuardedObject controls access to an object, by checking all requests
for the object with a Guard . |
HandshakeCompletedEvent |
The event object encapsulating the information about a completed SSL
handshake on a SSL connection. |
HashMap<K, V> |
HashMap is an implementation of Map. |
HashSet<E> |
HashSet is an implementation of a Set. |
Hashtable<K, V> |
Hashtable associates keys with values. |
HttpException |
Signals that an HTTP exception has occurred. |
HttpHostConnectException |
A ConnectException that specifies the HttpHost that was
being connected to. |
HttpResponseException |
Signals a non 2xx HTTP response. |
HttpRetryException |
If a HTTP request has to be retried, this exception will be thrown if the
request cannot be retried automatically. |
HttpVersion |
Represents an HTTP version, as specified in RFC 2616. |
IOException |
Signals a general, I/O-related error. |
Identity |
This class is deprecated.
The functionality of this class has been replace by
Principal, KeyStore and the java.security.cert package. |
IdentityHashMap<K, V> |
IdentityHashMap is a variant on HashMap which tests equality by reference
instead of equality by value. |
IdentityScope |
This class is deprecated.
The functionality of this class has been replace by
Principal, KeyStore and the java.security.cert package. |
IllegalAccessError |
Thrown when the virtual machine notices that a program tries access a field
which is not accessible from where it is referenced. |
IllegalAccessException |
Thrown when a program attempts to access a field or method which is not
accessible from the location where the reference is made. |
IllegalArgumentException |
Thrown when a method is invoked with an argument which it can not reasonably
deal with. |
IllegalBlockSizeException |
The exception, that is thrown when the data length provided to a block cipher
does not match the block size of the cipher. |
IllegalBlockingModeException |
An IllegalBlockingModeException is thrown when an operation that
requires a specific blocking mode is invoked on a channel that is in a
different blocking mode. |
IllegalCharsetNameException |
An IllegalCharsetNameException is thrown when an illegal charset name
is encountered. |
IllegalFormatCodePointException |
An IllegalFormatCodePointException will be thrown if an invalid
Unicode code point (defined by isValidCodePoint(int)) is
passed as a parameter to a Formatter. |
IllegalFormatConversionException |
An IllegalFormatConversionException will be thrown when the parameter
is incompatible with the corresponding format specifier. |
IllegalFormatException |
An IllegalFormatException is thrown when a format string that
contains either an illegal syntax or format specifier is transferred as a
parameter. |
IllegalFormatFlagsException |
An IllegalFormatFlagsException will be thrown if the combination of
the format flags is illegal. |
IllegalFormatPrecisionException |
An IllegalFormatPrecisionException will be thrown if the precision is
a negative other than -1 or in other cases where precision is not supported. |
IllegalFormatWidthException |
An IllegalFormatWidthException will be thrown if the width is a
negative value other than -1 or in other cases where a width is not
supported. |
IllegalMonitorStateException |
Thrown when a monitor operation is attempted when the monitor is not in the
correct state, for example when a thread attempts to exit a monitor which it
does not own. |
IllegalSelectorException |
An IllegalSelectorException is thrown when a call is made to register
a channel on a selector that has been created by a different provider. |
IllegalStateException |
Thrown when an action is attempted at a time when the virtual machine is not
in the correct state. |
IllegalThreadStateException |
Thrown when an operation is attempted which is not possible given the state
that the executing thread is in. |
ImageView.ScaleType |
Options for scaling the bounds of an image to the bounds of this view. |
IncompatibleClassChangeError |
IncompatibleClassChangeError is the superclass of all classes which
represent errors that occur when inconsistent class files are loaded into
the same running image. |
IncompleteAnnotationException |
Indicates that an element of an annotation type was accessed that was added
after the type was compiled or serialized. |
IndexOutOfBoundsException |
Thrown when a program attempts to access a value in an indexable collection
using a value which is outside of the range of valid indices. |
IndexedPropertyChangeEvent |
A type of PropertyChangeEvent that indicates that an indexed property
has changed. |
Inet4Address |
This class represents a 32 bit long IPv4 address. |
Inet6Address |
This class represents a 128 bit long IPv6 address. |
InetAddress |
The Internet Protocol (IP) address representation class. |
InetSocketAddress |
This class represents a socket endpoint described by a IP address and a port
number. |
InflateException |
This exception is thrown by an inflater on error conditions. |
InputMismatchException |
An InputMismatchException is thrown by a scanner to indicate that the
next token does not match or is out of range for the type specified in the
pattern. |
InstantiationError |
Thrown when the virtual machine notices that a program tries to create a new
instance of a class which has no visible constructors from the location where
new is invoked. |
InstantiationException |
Thrown when a program attempts to access a constructor which is not
accessible from the location where the reference is made. |
Integer |
The wrapper for the primitive type int . |
IntentFilter.MalformedMimeTypeException |
This exception is thrown when a given MIME type does not have a valid
syntax. |
IntentSender.SendIntentException |
Exception thrown when trying to send through a PendingIntent that
has been canceled or is otherwise no longer able to execute the request. |
InternalError |
Thrown when the virtual machine notices that it has gotten into an undefined
state. |
Interpolator.Result |
InterruptedException |
Thrown when a waiting thread is activated before the condition it was waiting
for has been satisfied. |
InterruptedIOException |
Signals that a blocking I/O operation has been interrupted. |
InvalidAlgorithmParameterException |
InvalidAlgorithmParameterException indicates the occurrence of
invalid algorithm parameters. |
InvalidClassException |
Signals a problem during the serialization or or deserialization of an
object. |
InvalidCredentialsException |
Authentication credentials required to respond to a authentication
challenge are invalid |
InvalidKeyException |
InvalidKeyException indicates exceptional conditions, caused by an
invalid key. |
InvalidKeySpecException |
The exception that is thrown when an invalid key specification is
encountered. |
InvalidMarkException |
An InvalidMarkException is thrown when reset() is called on a
buffer, but no mark has been set previously. |
InvalidObjectException |
Signals that, during deserialization, the validation of an object has failed. |
InvalidParameterException |
InvalidParameterException indicates exceptional conditions, caused by
invalid parameters. |
InvalidParameterSpecException |
The exception that is thrown when an invalid parameter specification is
encountered. |
InvalidPreferencesFormatException |
An exception to indicate that the input XML file is not well-formed or could
not be validated against the appropriate document type (specified by
in the Preferences ). |
InvalidPropertiesFormatException |
An InvalidPropertiesFormatException is thrown if loading the XML
document defining the properties does not follow the Properties
specification. |
InvocationTargetException |
This class provides a wrapper for an exception thrown by a Method or
Constructor invocation. |
JSONException |
The JSONException is thrown by the JSON.org classes then things are amiss. |
JarException |
This runtime exception is thrown when a problem occurs while reading a JAR
file. |
Key |
Key is the common interface for all keys. |
KeyException |
KeyException is the common superclass of all key related exceptions. |
KeyManagementException |
KeyManagementException is a general exception, thrown to indicate an
exception during processing an operation concerning key management. |
KeyPair |
KeyPair is a container for a public key and a private key. |
KeyRep |
KeyRep is a standardized representation for serialized Key
objects. |
KeyRep.Type |
Type enumerates the supported key types. |
KeyStoreException |
KeyStoreException is a general KeyStore exception. |
LastOwnerException |
The exception that is thrown when an attempt is made to remove the
the last Owner from an Owner . |
Layout.Alignment |
Level |
Level objects are used to indicate the level of logging. |
LinkageError |
LinkageError is the superclass of all error classes that occur when
loading and linking class files. |
LinkedBlockingQueue<E> |
An optionally-bounded blocking queue based on
linked nodes. |
LinkedHashMap<K, V> |
LinkedHashMap is a variant of HashMap. |
LinkedHashSet<E> |
LinkedHashSet is a variant of HashSet. |
LinkedList<E> |
LinkedList is an implementation of List, backed by a linked list. |
LocalSocketAddress.Namespace |
The namespace that this address exists in. |
Locale |
Locale represents a language/country/variant combination. |
LogRecord |
A LogRecord object represents a logging request. |
LoggingPermission |
The permission required to control the logging when run with a
SecurityManager . |
LoginException |
Base class for exceptions that are thrown when a login error occurs. |
Long |
The wrapper for the primitive type long . |
MalformedChallengeException |
Signals that authentication challenge is in some way invalid or
illegal in the given context |
MalformedChunkCodingException |
Signals a malformed chunked stream. |
MalformedCookieException |
Signals that a cookie is in some way invalid or illegal in a given
context |
MalformedInputException |
A MalformedInputException is thrown when a malformed input is
encountered, for example if a byte sequence is illegal for the given charset. |
MalformedParameterizedTypeException |
Indicates that a malformed parameterized type has been encountered by a
reflective method. |
MalformedURLException |
This exception is thrown when a program attempts to create an URL from an
incorrect specification. |
MathContext |
Immutable objects describing settings such as rounding mode and digit
precision for the numerical operations provided by class BigDecimal. |
Matrix.ScaleToFit |
Controlls how the src rect should align into the dst rect for
setRectToRect(). |
MessageFormat |
Produces concatenated
messages in language-neutral way. |
MessageFormat.Field |
The instances of this inner class are used as attribute keys in
AttributedCharacterIterator that the
formatToCharacterIterator(Object) method returns. |
MethodNotSupportedException |
Indicates that an HTTP method is not supported. |
MissingFormatArgumentException |
A MissingFormatArgumentException will be thrown if there is no
corresponding argument with the specified conversion or an argument index
that refers to a missing argument. |
MissingFormatWidthException |
A MissingFormatWidthException will be thrown if the format width is
missing but is required. |
MissingResourceException |
A MissingResourceException is thrown by ResourceBundle when a
resource bundle cannot be found or a resource is missing from a resource
bundle. |
NTLMEngineException |
Signals NTLM protocol failure. |
NegativeArraySizeException |
Thrown when an attempt is made to create an array with a size of less than
zero. |
NetPermission |
This class represents permissions to configure the access to network
resources. |
NetworkInfo.DetailedState |
The fine-grained state of a network connection. |
NetworkInfo.State |
Coarse-grained network state. |
NoClassDefFoundError |
Thrown when the virtual machine is unable to locate a class which it has been
asked to load. |
NoConnectionPendingException |
A NoConnectionPendingException is thrown if SocketChannel 's
finishConnect method is called before
the SocketChannel 's
connect method completed without
error. |
NoHttpResponseException |
Signals that the target server failed to respond with a valid HTTP response. |
NoRouteToHostException |
The NoRouteToHostException will be thrown while attempting to connect
to a remote host but the host cannot be reached for instance because of a
badly configured router or a blocking firewall. |
NoSuchAlgorithmException |
NoSuchAlgorithmException indicates that a requested algorithm could
not be found. |
NoSuchElementException |
A NoSuchElementException is thrown when trying to retrieve an element
past the end of an Enumeration, or the first or last element from an empty
Vector. |
NoSuchFieldError |
Thrown when the virtual machine notices that a program tries to reference,
on a class or object, a field that does not exist. |
NoSuchFieldException |
Thrown when the virtual machine notices that a program tries to reference,
on a class or object, a field that does not exist. |
NoSuchMethodError |
Thrown when the virtual machine notices that a program tries to reference,
on a class or object, a method that does not exist. |
NoSuchMethodException |
Thrown when the virtual machine notices that a program tries to reference,
on a class or object, a method that does not exist. |
NoSuchPaddingException |
The exception that is thrown when the requested padding mechanism is not
supported. |
NoSuchProviderException |
NoSuchProviderException indicates that a requested security provider
could not be found. |
NodeChangeEvent |
This is the event class to indicate that one child of the preference node has
been added or deleted. |
NonReadableChannelException |
A NonReadableChannelException is thrown when attempting to read from
a channel that is not open for reading. |
NonRepeatableRequestException |
Signals failure to retry the request due to non-repeatable request
entity. |
NonWritableChannelException |
A NonWritableChannelException is thrown when attempting to write to a
channel that is not open for writing. |
NotActiveException |
Signals that a serialization-related method has been invoked in the wrong
place. |
NotOwnerException |
The exception that is thrown when an action that requires ownership is
attempted by a principal that is not an owner of the object for which
ownership is required. |
NotSerializableException |
Signals that an object that is not serializable has been passed into the
ObjectOutput.writeObject() mthod. |
NotYetBoundException |
A NotYetBoundException is thrown if the server socket channel is not
bound before an I/O operation is made. |
NotYetConnectedException |
A NotYetConnectedException is thrown if the socket channel is not
connected before an I/O operation is invoked. |
NullPointerException |
Thrown when a program tries to access a field or method of an object or an
element of an array when there is no instance or array to use, that is if the
object or array points to null . |
Number |
The abstract superclass of the classes which represent numeric base types
(that is Byte, Short, Integer, Long,
Float, and Double. |
NumberFormat |
The abstract base class for all number formats. |
NumberFormat.Field |
The instances of this inner class are used as attribute keys and values
in AttributedCharacterIterator that the
formatToCharacterIterator(Object) method returns. |
NumberFormatException |
Thrown when an invalid value is passed to a string-to-number conversion
method. |
NumericShaper |
The Class NumericShaper provides methods to convert latin character codes
to unicode character codes. |
ObjectStreamClass |
Represents a descriptor for identifying a class during serialization and
deserialization. |
ObjectStreamException |
Signals some sort of problem during either serialization or deserialization
of objects. |
OptionalDataException |
Signals that the ObjectInputStream class encountered a primitive type
(int , char etc.) instead of an object instance in the input
stream. |
OutOfMemoryError |
Thrown when a request for memory is made that can not be satisfied using the
available platform resources. |
OverlappingFileLockException |
An OverlappingFileLockException is thrown when attempting to acquire
a lock that overlaps an existing or pending lock held by this process. |
PBEKey |
The interface to a password-based-encryption key. |
PackageManager.NameNotFoundException |
This exception is thrown when a given package, application, or component
name can not be found. |
Paint.Align |
Align specifies how drawText aligns its text relative to the
[x,y] coordinates. |
Paint.Cap |
The Cap specifies the treatment for the beginning and ending of
stroked lines and paths. |
Paint.Join |
The Join specifies the treatment where lines and curve segments
join on a stroked path. |
Paint.Style |
The Style specifies if the primitive being drawn is filled,
stroked, or both (in the same color). |
ParcelFormatException |
The contents of a Parcel (usually during unmarshalling) does not
contain the expected data. |
ParseException |
Indicates a parse error. |
ParserConfigurationException |
Represents an exception that occurred during the configuration of parser. |
PasswordCallback |
Is used in conjunction with a CallbackHandler to retrieve a password
when needed. |
Path.Direction |
Specifies how closed shapes (e.g. |
Path.FillType |
Enum for the ways a path may be filled
PathDashPathEffect.Style |
Pattern |
Represents a pattern used for matching, searching, or replacing strings. |
PatternSyntaxException |
Encapsulates a syntax error that occurred during the compilation of a
Pattern. |
PendingIntent.CanceledException |
Exception thrown when trying to send through a PendingIntent that
has been canceled or is otherwise no longer able to execute the request. |
Permission |
Permission is the common base class of all permissions that
participate in the access control security framework around
AccessController and AccessControlContext. |
PermissionCollection |
PermissionCollection is the common base class for all collections
that provide a convenient method for determining whether or not a given
permission is implied by any of the permissions present in this collection. |
Permissions |
Permissions represents a PermissionCollection where the
contained permissions can be of different types. |
PortUnreachableException |
This PortUnreachableException will be thrown if an ICMP_Port_Unreachable message has been received. |
PorterDuff.Mode |
PotentialDeadlockError |
Is thrown when the VM identifies a potential deadlock. |
PreferenceChangeEvent |
This is the event class to indicate that a preference has been added, deleted
or updated. |
PriorityBlockingQueue<E> |
An unbounded blocking queue that uses
the same ordering rules as class PriorityQueue and supplies
blocking retrieval operations. |
PriorityQueue<E> |
A PriorityQueue holds elements on a priority heap, which orders the elements
according to their natural order or according to the comparator specified at
construction time. |
PrivateCredentialPermission |
Protects private credential objects belonging to a Subject . |
PrivateKey |
PrivateKey is the common interface for private keys. |
PrivilegedActionException |
PrivilegedActionException wraps exceptions which are thrown from
within privileged operations. |
Properties |
A Properties object is a Hashtable where the keys and values
must be String s. |
PropertyChangeEvent |
An event that indicates that a constraint or a boundary of a property has
changed. |
PropertyChangeSupport |
This utility class
PropertyPermission |
PropertyPermission objects represent a permission to access system
properties. |
ProtocolException |
Signals that an HTTP protocol violation has occurred. |
ProtocolVersion |
Represents a protocol version, as specified in RFC 2616. |
Provider |
Provider is the abstract superclass for all security providers in the
Java security infrastructure. |
ProviderException |
ProviderException is a general exception, thrown by security Providers . |
Proxy |
Proxy defines methods for creating dynamic proxy classes and instances. |
Proxy.Type |
Enum class for the proxy type. |
PublicKey |
PublicKey is the common interface for public keys. |
RSAMultiPrimePrivateCrtKey |
The interface for a Multi-Prime RSA private key. |
RSAPrivateCrtKey |
The interface for a PKCS#1 RSA private key using CRT information values. |
RSAPrivateKey |
The interface for an PKCS#1 RSA private key. |
RSAPublicKey |
The interface for a PKCS#1 RSA public key. |
Random |
This class provides methods that generates pseudo-random numbers of different
types, such as int , long , double , and float . |
ReadOnlyBufferException |
A ReadOnlyBufferException is thrown when some write operation is
called on a read-only buffer. |
ReceiverCallNotAllowedException |
This exception is thrown from registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter) and
bindService(Intent, ServiceConnection, int) when these methods are being used from
an BroadcastReceiver component. |
RedirectException |
Signals violation of HTTP specification caused by an invalid redirect |
ReentrantLock |
A reentrant mutual exclusion Lock with the same basic
behavior and semantics as the implicit monitor lock accessed using
synchronized methods and statements, but with extended
capabilities. |
ReentrantReadWriteLock |
An implementation of ReadWriteLock supporting similar
semantics to ReentrantLock. |
ReentrantReadWriteLock.ReadLock |
The lock returned by method readLock(). |
ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock |
The lock returned by method writeLock(). |
ReflectPermission |
A ReflectPermission object represents a permission to access
operations in the reflection layer. |
Region.Op |
RejectedExecutionException |
Exception thrown by an Executor when a task cannot be
accepted for execution. |
RemoteException |
Parent exception for all Binder remote-invocation errors
RemoteViews.ActionException |
Exception to send when something goes wrong executing an action
Resources.NotFoundException |
This exception is thrown by the resource APIs when a requested resource
can not be found. |
RetentionPolicy |
Defines an enumeration for annotation retention policies. |
RoundingMode |
Specifies the rounding behavior for operations whose results cannot be
represented exactly. |
RouteInfo.LayerType |
The layering type of a route. |
RouteInfo.TunnelType |
The tunnelling type of a route. |
RowSetEvent |
An event which is sent when specific events happen to a RowSet
object. |
RuntimeException |
RuntimeException is the superclass of all classes that represent
exceptional conditions which occur as a result of executing an application in
the virtual machine. |
RuntimePermission |
Represents the permission to execute a runtime-related function. |
SAXException |
Encapsulate a general SAX error or warning. |
SAXNotRecognizedException |
Exception class for an unrecognized identifier. |
SAXNotSupportedException |
Exception class for an unsupported operation. |
SAXParseException |
Encapsulate an XML parse error or warning. |
SQLException |
An Exception class that is used in conjunction with JDBC operations. |
SQLPermission |
A Permission relating to security access control in the java.sql
package. |
SQLWarning |
An exception class that holds information about Database access warnings. |
SQLiteAbortException |
An exception that indicates that the SQLite program was aborted. |
SQLiteConstraintException |
An exception that indicates that an integrity constraint was violated. |
SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException |
An exception that indicates that the SQLite database file is corrupt. |
SQLiteDiskIOException |
An exception that indicates that an IO error occured while accessing the
SQLite database file. |
SQLiteDoneException |
An exception that indicates that the SQLite program is done. |
SQLiteException |
A SQLite exception that indicates there was an error with SQL parsing or execution. |
SQLiteFullException |
An exception that indicates that the SQLite database is full. |
SQLiteMisuseException |
SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus |
The enum describing the state of the current handshake. |
SSLEngineResult.Status |
The enum describing the result of the SSLEngine
operation. |
SSLException |
The base class for all SSL related exceptions. |
SSLHandshakeException |
The exception that is thrown when a handshake could not be completed
successfully. |
SSLKeyException |
The exception that is thrown when an invalid SSL key is encountered. |
SSLPeerUnverifiedException |
The exception that is thrown when the identity of a peer has not beed
verified. |
SSLPermission |
The class representing a network permission. |
SSLProtocolException |
The exception that is thrown when an error in the operation of the SSL
protocol is encountered. |
SSLSessionBindingEvent |
The event sent to an SSLSessionBindingListener when the listener
object is bound (putValue(String, Object)) or unbound
(removeValue(String)) to an SSLSession . |
SealedObject |
A SealedObject is a wrapper around a serializable object
instance and encrypts it using a cryptographic cipher. |
SecretKey |
A cryptographic secret (symmetric) key. |
SecretKeySpec |
A key specification for a SecretKey and also a secret key
implementation that is provider-independent. |
SecureRandom |
SecureRandom is an engine class which is capable of generating
cryptographically secure pseudo-random numbers. |
SecureRandomSpi |
SecureRandomSpi is the Service Provider Interface (SPI) definition
for SecureRandom. |
SecurityException |
Thrown when a security manager check fails. |
SecurityPermission |
SecurityPermission objects guard access to the mechanisms which
implement security. |
Semaphore |
A counting semaphore. |
SerializablePermission |
Is used to enable access to potentially unsafe serialization operations. |
Settings.SettingNotFoundException |
Shader.TileMode |
Short |
The wrapper for the primitive type short . |
ShortBufferException |
The exception that is thrown when the result of an operation is attempted to
store in a user provided buffer that is too small. |
SignatureException |
SignatureException is a general Signature exception. |
SignedObject |
A SignedObject instance acts as a container for another object. |
Signer |
This class is deprecated.
Replaced by behavior in java.security.cert package and Principal |
SimpleDateFormat |
A concrete class for formatting and parsing dates in a locale-sensitive
manner. |
SimpleTimeZone |
SimpleTimeZone is a concrete subclass of TimeZone
that represents a time zone for use with a Gregorian calendar. |
SmsMessage.MessageClass |
This enum is deprecated.
Use android.telephony.SmsMessage.
SocketAddress |
This abstract class represents a protocol-independent base for
socket-endpoint representing classes. |
SocketException |
This SocketException may be thrown during socket creation or setting
options, and is the superclass of all other socket related exceptions. |
SocketPermission |
Regulates the access to network operations available through sockets through
permissions. |
SocketTimeoutException |
This exception is thrown when a timeout expired on a socket read or
accept operation. |
Stack<E> |
Stack is a Last-In/First-Out(LIFO) data structure which represents a
stack of objects. |
StackOverflowError |
Thrown when the depth of the callstack of the running program excedes some
platform or virtual machine specific limit. |
StackTraceElement |
A representation of a single stack frame. |
StaleDataException |
This exception is thrown when a Cursor contains stale data and must be
requeried before being used again. |
StaleDexCacheError |
Is thrown when the VM determines that a DEX file's cache is out of date, and
that there is no way to recreate it. |
StreamCorruptedException |
Signals that the readObject() method could not
read an object due to missing information (for example, a cyclic reference
that doesn't match a previous instance, or a missing class descriptor for the
object to be loaded). |
String |
An immutable sequence of characters/code units (char s). |
StringBuffer |
StringBuffer is a variable size contiguous indexable array of characters. |
StringBuilder |
A modifiable sequence of characters for use in creating
and modifying Strings. |
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException |
Thrown when the a string is indexed with a value less than zero, or greater
than or equal to the size of the array. |
Subject |
The central class of the javax.security.auth package representing an
authenticated user or entity (both referred to as "subject"). |
SupplicantState |
From defs.h in wpa_supplicant . |
Surface.OutOfResourcesException |
Exception thrown when a surface couldn't be created or resized
SurfaceHolder.BadSurfaceTypeException |
Exception that is thrown from lockCanvas() when called on a Surface
SyncFailedException |
Signals that the sync() method has failed to
complete. |
SynchronousQueue<E> |
A blocking queue in which each
put must wait for a take, and vice versa. |
TextAttribute |
The TextAttribute class defines attribute keys and attribute values
for text rendering. |
TextKeyListener.Capitalize |
TextUtils.TruncateAt |
TextView.BufferType |
Thread.State |
A representation of a thread's state. |
ThreadDeath |
ThreadDeath is thrown when a thread stops executing. |
Throwable |
The superclass of all classes which can be thrown by the virtual machine. |
Time |
Java representation of an SQL TIME value. |
TimeFormatException |
TimeUnit |
A TimeUnit represents time durations at a given unit of
granularity and provides utility methods to convert across units,
and to perform timing and delay operations in these units. |
TimeZone |
TimeZone represents a time zone offset, taking into account
daylight savings. |
TimeoutException |
Exception thrown when a blocking operation times out. |
Timestamp |
A Java representation of the SQL TIMESTAMP type. |
TooManyListenersException |
A TooManyListenersException is thrown when an attempt is made to add
more than one listener to an event source which only supports a single
listener. |
TreeMap<K, V> |
TreeMap is an implementation of SortedMap. |
TreeSet<E> |
TreeSet is an implementation of SortedSet. |
TunnelRefusedException |
TypeNotPresentException |
Thrown when a program tries to access a class, interface, enum or annotation
type through a string that contains the type's name and the type cannot be
found. |
This class represents an instance of a URI as defined by RFC 2396. |
URISyntaxException |
A URISyntaxException will be thrown if some information could not be parsed
while creating a URI. |
A URL instance specifies the location of a resource on the internet as
specified by RFC 1738. |
UTFDataFormatException |
Signals that an incorrectly encoded UTF-8 string has been encountered, most
likely while reading some DataInputStream. |
UUID is an immutable representation of a 128-bit universally unique
identifier (UUID). |
UndeclaredThrowableException |
This class provides a wrapper for an undeclared, checked exception thrown by
an InvocationHandler. |
UnknownError |
Thrown when the virtual machine must throw an error which does not match any
known exceptional condition. |
UnknownFormatConversionException |
An UnknownFormatConversionException will be thrown if the format
conversion is unknown. |
UnknownFormatFlagsException |
An UnknownFormatFlagsException will be thrown if there is
an unknown flag. |
UnknownHostException |
Is thrown when a hostname can not be resolved. |
UnknownServiceException |
Is thrown if no appropriate ContentHandler could be found for a
particular service requested by the URL connection. |
UnmappableCharacterException |
An UnmappableCharacterException is thrown when an unmappable
character for the given charset is encountered. |
UnrecoverableEntryException |
UnrecoverableEntryException indicates, that a KeyStore.Entry
cannot be recovered from a KeyStore . |
UnrecoverableKeyException |
UnrecoverableKeyException indicates, that a key cannot be recovered
from a KeyStore . |
UnresolvedAddressException |
An UnresolvedAddressException is thrown when trying to use an
unresolved network address in a network operation. |
UnresolvedPermission |
An UnresolvedPermission represents a Permission whose type
should be resolved lazy and not during initialization time of the Policy . |
UnsatisfiedLinkError |
Thrown when an attempt is made to invoke a native for which an implementation
could not be found. |
UnsupportedAddressTypeException |
An UnsupportedAddressTypeException is thrown when connecting or
binding to an unsupported address type. |
UnsupportedCallbackException |
Thrown when a CallbackHandler does not support a particular Callback. |
UnsupportedCharsetException |
An UnsupportedCharsetException is thrown when an unsupported charset
name is encountered. |
UnsupportedClassVersionError |
Thrown when an attempt is made to load a class with a format version that is
not supported by the virtual machine. |
UnsupportedDigestAlgorithmException |
Authentication credentials required to respond to a authentication
challenge are invalid |
UnsupportedEncodingException |
Signals that a requested character encoding is not available, either because
it is not included a specific Android system, or because the encoding name
is simply incorrect. |
UnsupportedHttpVersionException |
Indicates an unsupported version of the HTTP protocol. |
UnsupportedOperationException |
Thrown when an unsupported operation is attempted. |
Vector<E> |
Vector is a variable size contiguous indexable array of objects. |
VerifyError |
Thrown when the virtual machine notices that an attempt is made to load a
class which does not pass the class verification phase. |
ViewDebug.HierarchyTraceType |
Defines the type of hierarhcy trace to output to the hierarchy traces file. |
ViewDebug.RecyclerTraceType |
Defines the type of recycler trace to output to the recycler traces file. |
VirtualMachineError |
VirtualMachineError is the superclass of all error classes that occur
during the operation of the virtual machine. |
WebBackForwardList |
This class contains the back/forward list for a WebView. |
WebSettings.LayoutAlgorithm |
Enum for controlling the layout of html. |
WebSettings.RenderPriority |
WebSettings.TextSize |
Enum for specifying the text size. |
WindowManager.BadTokenException |
Exception that is thrown when trying to add view whose
WindowManager.LayoutParams token
is invalid. |
WriteAbortedException |
Signals that the readObject() method has detected
an exception marker in the input stream. |
X500Principal |
Represents an X.500 principal, which holds the distinguished name of some
network entity. |
X509Certificate |
Abstract base class for X.509 certificates. |
Xml.Encoding |
Supported character encodings. |
XmlPullParserException |
This exception is thrown to signal XML Pull Parser related faults. |
ZipException |
This runtime exception is thrown by ZipFile and ZipInputStream when the file or stream is not a valid ZIP file. |