Since: API Level 14
protected static interface


Known Indirect Subclasses


String ALARM_TIME The alarm time of the event, in UTC.
String BEGIN The start time of the event, in UTC.
String CREATION_TIME The creation time of this database entry, in UTC.
String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER The default sort order for this alerts queries
String END The end time of the event, in UTC.
String EVENT_ID The event that the alert belongs to.
String MINUTES The number of minutes that this alarm precedes the start time.
String NOTIFY_TIME The time that the notification was created by the Calendar app, in UTC.
String RECEIVED_TIME The time that the alarm broadcast was received by the Calendar app, in UTC.
String STATE The state of this alert.
int STATE_DISMISSED Once the user has dismissed the notification the alert's state should be set to dismissed so it is not fired again.
int STATE_FIRED After a notification for an alert has been created it should be updated to fired.
int STATE_SCHEDULED An alert begins in this state when it is first created.


public static final String ALARM_TIME

Since: API Level 14

The alarm time of the event, in UTC. Column name.

Type: INTEGER (long; millis since epoch)

Constant Value: "alarmTime"

public static final String BEGIN

Since: API Level 14

The start time of the event, in UTC. Column name.

Type: INTEGER (long; millis since epoch)

Constant Value: "begin"

public static final String CREATION_TIME

Since: API Level 14

The creation time of this database entry, in UTC. Useful for debugging missed reminders. Column name.

Type: INTEGER (long; millis since epoch)

Constant Value: "creationTime"

public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER

Since: API Level 14

The default sort order for this alerts queries

Constant Value: "begin ASC,title ASC"

public static final String END

Since: API Level 14

The end time of the event, in UTC. Column name.

Type: INTEGER (long; millis since epoch)

Constant Value: "end"

public static final String EVENT_ID

Since: API Level 14

The event that the alert belongs to. Column name.

Type: INTEGER (foreign key to the Events table)

Constant Value: "event_id"

public static final String MINUTES

Since: API Level 14

The number of minutes that this alarm precedes the start time. Column name.


Constant Value: "minutes"

public static final String NOTIFY_TIME

Since: API Level 14

The time that the notification was created by the Calendar app, in UTC. Useful for debugging missed reminders. Column name.

Type: INTEGER (long; millis since epoch)

Constant Value: "notifyTime"

public static final String RECEIVED_TIME

Since: API Level 14

The time that the alarm broadcast was received by the Calendar app, in UTC. Useful for debugging missed reminders. Column name.

Type: INTEGER (long; millis since epoch)

Constant Value: "receivedTime"

public static final String STATE

Since: API Level 14

The state of this alert. It starts out as STATE_SCHEDULED, then when the alarm goes off, it changes to STATE_FIRED, and then when the user dismisses the alarm it changes to STATE_DISMISSED. Column name.


Constant Value: "state"

public static final int STATE_DISMISSED

Since: API Level 14

Once the user has dismissed the notification the alert's state should be set to dismissed so it is not fired again.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

public static final int STATE_FIRED

Since: API Level 14

After a notification for an alert has been created it should be updated to fired.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int STATE_SCHEDULED

Since: API Level 14

An alert begins in this state when it is first created.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)