public static final class


extends Object
implements BaseColumns CalendarContract.CalendarColumns CalendarContract.EventsColumns CalendarContract.SyncColumns
   ↳ android.provider.CalendarContract.Events

Class Overview

Constants and helpers for the Events table, which contains details for individual events.


All operations can be done either as an app or as a sync adapter. To perform an operation as a sync adapter CALLER_IS_SYNCADAPTER should be set to true and ACCOUNT_NAME and ACCOUNT_TYPE must be set in the Uri parameters. See appendQueryParameter(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) for details on adding parameters. Sync adapters have write access to more columns but are restricted to a single account at a time.
When inserting a new event the following fields must be included:
  • dtstart
  • dtend -or- a (rrule or rdate) and a duration
  • a calendar_id
There are also further requirements when inserting or updating an event. See the section on Writing to Events.
To perform an update of an Event the _ID of the event should be provided either as an appended id to the Uri ( withAppendedId(Uri, long)) or as the first selection item--the selection should start with "_id=?" and the first selectionArg should be the _id of the event. Updates may also be done using a selection and no id. Updating an event must respect the same rules as inserting and is further restricted in the fields that can be written. See the section on Writing to Events.
Events can be deleted either by the _ID as an appended id on the Uri or using any standard selection. If an appended id is used a selection is not allowed. There are two versions of delete: as an app and as a sync adapter. An app delete will set the deleted column on an event and remove all instances of that event. A sync adapter delete will remove the event from the database and all associated data.
Querying the Events table will get you all information about a set of events except their reminders, attendees, and extended properties. There will be one row returned for each event that matches the query selection, or at most a single row if the _ID is appended to the Uri. Recurring events will only return a single row regardless of the number of times that event repeats.

Writing to Events

There are further restrictions on all Updates and Inserts in the Events table:
  • If allDay is set to 1 eventTimezone must be TIMEZONE_UTC and the time must correspond to a midnight boundary.
  • Exceptions are not allowed to recur. If rrule or rdate is not empty, original_id and original_sync_id must be empty.
  • In general a calendar_id should not be modified after insertion. This is not explicitly forbidden but many sync adapters will not behave in an expected way if the calendar_id is modified.
The following Events columns are writable by both an app and a sync adapter. The following Events columns are writable only by a sync adapter The remaining columns are either updated by the provider only or are views into other tables and cannot be changed through the Events table.


Inherited Constants
From interface android.provider.BaseColumns
From interface android.provider.CalendarContract.CalendarColumns
From interface android.provider.CalendarContract.CalendarSyncColumns
From interface android.provider.CalendarContract.EventsColumns
From interface android.provider.CalendarContract.SyncColumns
public static final Uri CONTENT_EXCEPTION_URI The content:// style URI for recurring event exceptions.
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI The content:// style URL for interacting with events.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final Uri CONTENT_EXCEPTION_URI

Since: API Level 14

The content:// style URI for recurring event exceptions. Insertions require an appended event ID. Deletion of exceptions requires both the original event ID and the exception event ID (see appendPath(String)).

public static final Uri CONTENT_URI

Since: API Level 14

The content:// style URL for interacting with events. Appending an event id using withAppendedId(Uri, long) will specify a single event.