Since: API Level 14
protected static interface


Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Columns specific to the Calendars Uri that other Uris can query.


String ALLOWED_REMINDERS A comma separated list of reminder methods supported for this calendar in the format "#,#,#".
String CALENDAR_ACCESS_LEVEL The level of access that the user has for the calendar

Type: INTEGER (one of the values below)

String CALENDAR_COLOR The color of the calendar.
String CALENDAR_DISPLAY_NAME The display name of the calendar.
String CALENDAR_TIME_ZONE The time zone the calendar is associated with.
int CAL_ACCESS_CONTRIBUTOR Full access to modify the calendar, but not the access control settings
int CAL_ACCESS_EDITOR Full access to modify the calendar, but not the access control settings
int CAL_ACCESS_FREEBUSY Can only see free/busy information about the calendar
int CAL_ACCESS_NONE Cannot access the calendar
int CAL_ACCESS_OWNER Full access to the calendar
int CAL_ACCESS_READ Can read all event details
int CAL_ACCESS_RESPOND Can reply yes/no/maybe to an event
int CAL_ACCESS_ROOT Domain admin
String CAN_MODIFY_TIME_ZONE Can the organizer modify the time zone of the event? Column name.
String CAN_ORGANIZER_RESPOND Can the organizer respond to the event? If no, the status of the organizer should not be shown by the UI.
String MAX_REMINDERS The maximum number of reminders allowed for an event.
String OWNER_ACCOUNT The owner account for this calendar, based on the calendar feed.
String SYNC_EVENTS Is this calendar synced and are its events stored on the device? 0 - Do not sync this calendar or store events for this calendar.
String VISIBLE Is the calendar selected to be displayed? 0 - do not show events associated with this calendar.


public static final String ALLOWED_REMINDERS

Since: API Level 14

A comma separated list of reminder methods supported for this calendar in the format "#,#,#". Valid types are METHOD_DEFAULT, METHOD_ALERT, METHOD_EMAIL, METHOD_SMS. Column name.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "allowedReminders"

public static final String CALENDAR_ACCESS_LEVEL

Since: API Level 14

The level of access that the user has for the calendar

Type: INTEGER (one of the values below)

Constant Value: "calendar_access_level"

public static final String CALENDAR_COLOR

Since: API Level 14

The color of the calendar. This should only be updated by the sync adapter, not other apps, as changing a calendar's color can adversely affect its display.

Type: INTEGER (color value)

Constant Value: "calendar_color"

public static final String CALENDAR_DISPLAY_NAME

Since: API Level 14

The display name of the calendar. Column name.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "calendar_displayName"

public static final String CALENDAR_TIME_ZONE

Since: API Level 14

The time zone the calendar is associated with.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "calendar_timezone"

public static final int CAL_ACCESS_CONTRIBUTOR

Since: API Level 14

Full access to modify the calendar, but not the access control settings

Constant Value: 500 (0x000001f4)

public static final int CAL_ACCESS_EDITOR

Since: API Level 14

Full access to modify the calendar, but not the access control settings

Constant Value: 600 (0x00000258)

public static final int CAL_ACCESS_FREEBUSY

Since: API Level 14

Can only see free/busy information about the calendar

Constant Value: 100 (0x00000064)

public static final int CAL_ACCESS_NONE

Since: API Level 14

Cannot access the calendar

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int CAL_ACCESS_OVERRIDE

Since: API Level 14

not used

Constant Value: 400 (0x00000190)

public static final int CAL_ACCESS_OWNER

Since: API Level 14

Full access to the calendar

Constant Value: 700 (0x000002bc)

public static final int CAL_ACCESS_READ

Since: API Level 14

Can read all event details

Constant Value: 200 (0x000000c8)

public static final int CAL_ACCESS_RESPOND

Since: API Level 14

Can reply yes/no/maybe to an event

Constant Value: 300 (0x0000012c)

public static final int CAL_ACCESS_ROOT

Since: API Level 14

Domain admin

Constant Value: 800 (0x00000320)

public static final String CAN_MODIFY_TIME_ZONE

Since: API Level 14

Can the organizer modify the time zone of the event? Column name.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Constant Value: "canModifyTimeZone"

public static final String CAN_ORGANIZER_RESPOND

Since: API Level 14

Can the organizer respond to the event? If no, the status of the organizer should not be shown by the UI. Defaults to 1. Column name.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Constant Value: "canOrganizerRespond"

public static final String MAX_REMINDERS

Since: API Level 14

The maximum number of reminders allowed for an event. Column name.


Constant Value: "maxReminders"

public static final String OWNER_ACCOUNT

Since: API Level 14

The owner account for this calendar, based on the calendar feed. This will be different from the _SYNC_ACCOUNT for delegated calendars. Column name.

Type: String

Constant Value: "ownerAccount"

public static final String SYNC_EVENTS

Since: API Level 14

Is this calendar synced and are its events stored on the device? 0 - Do not sync this calendar or store events for this calendar. 1 - Sync down events for this calendar.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Constant Value: "sync_events"

public static final String VISIBLE

Since: API Level 14

Is the calendar selected to be displayed? 0 - do not show events associated with this calendar. 1 - show events associated with this calendar

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Constant Value: "visible"