Allocation.MipmapControl |
Controls mipmap behavior when using the bitmap creation and
update functions. |
AsyncTask.Status |
Indicates the current status of the task. |
Authenticator.RequestorType |
Enumeration class for the origin of the authentication request. |
AvoidXfermode.Mode |
BigDecimal |
This class represents immutable integer numbers of arbitrary length. |
BigInteger |
An immutable signed integer of arbitrary magnitude. |
Bitmap.CompressFormat |
Specifies the known formats a bitmap can be compressed into
Bitmap.Config |
Possible bitmap configurations. |
BlurMaskFilter.Blur |
Boolean |
The wrapper for the primitive type boolean . |
Byte |
The wrapper for the primitive type byte . |
ByteBuffer |
A buffer for bytes. |
Calendar |
Calendar is an abstract base class for converting between a
Date object and a set of integer fields such as
HOUR , and so on. |
Canvas.EdgeType |
Canvas.VertexMode |
CharBuffer |
A buffer of chars. |
Character |
The wrapper for the primitive type char . |
Charset |
A charset is a named mapping between Unicode characters and byte sequences. |
CheckBoxPreference |
A Preference that provides checkbox widget
functionality. |
ClientInfoStatus |
An enumeration to describe the reason why a property cannot be set by calling
Connection.setClientInfo. |
CollationKey |
Represents a string under the rules of a specific Collator object. |
ComponentName |
Identifier for a specific application component
(Activity , Service ,
BroadcastReceiver , or
ContentProvider ) that is available. |
Configuration |
This class describes all device configuration information that can
impact the resources the application retrieves. |
ConsoleMessage.MessageLevel |
CursorJoiner.Result |
The result of a call to next(). |
Date |
Date represents a specific moment in time, to the millisecond. |
Delayed |
A mix-in style interface for marking objects that should be
acted upon after a given delay. |
DialogPreference |
A base class for Preference objects that are
dialog-based. |
Double |
The wrapper for the primitive type double . |
DoubleBuffer |
A buffer of doubles. |
EditTextPreference |
A Preference that allows for string
input. |
Element.DataKind |
The special interpretation of the data if required. |
Element.DataType |
DataType represents the basic type information for a basic element. |
ElementType |
Defines an enumeration for Java program elements. |
Enum<E extends Enum<E>> |
The superclass of all enumerated types. |
File |
An "abstract" representation of a file system entity identified by a
pathname. |
FileA3D.EntryType |
Specifies what renderscript object type is contained within
the FileA3D IndexEntry
Float |
The wrapper for the primitive type float . |
FloatBuffer |
A buffer of floats. |
Font.Style |
Formatter.BigDecimalLayoutForm |
The enumeration giving the available styles for formatting very large
decimal numbers. |
GradientDrawable.Orientation |
Controls how the gradient is oriented relative to the drawable's bounds
GregorianCalendar |
GregorianCalendar is a concrete subclass of Calendar
and provides the standard calendar used by most of the world. |
ImageView.ScaleType |
Options for scaling the bounds of an image to the bounds of this view. |
IntBuffer |
A buffer of ints. |
Integer |
The wrapper for the primitive type int . |
Interpolator.Result |
JsonToken |
A structure, name or value type in a JSON-encoded string. |
KeyRep.Type |
Type enumerates the supported key types. |
Layout.Alignment |
ListPreference |
A Preference that displays a list of entries as
a dialog. |
LocalSocketAddress.Namespace |
The namespace that this address exists in. |
Long |
The wrapper for the primitive type long . |
LongBuffer |
A buffer of longs. |
MappedByteBuffer |
MappedByteBuffer is a special kind of direct byte buffer which maps a
region of file to memory. |
Matrix.ScaleToFit |
Controlls how the src rect should align into the dst rect for
setRectToRect(). |
Mesh.Primitive |
Describes the way mesh vertex data is interpreted when rendering
MultiSelectListPreference |
A Preference that displays a list of entries as
a dialog. |
NetworkInfo.DetailedState |
The fine-grained state of a network connection. |
NetworkInfo.State |
Coarse-grained network state. |
Normalizer.Form |
The normalization forms supported by the Normalizer. |
ObjectStreamField |
Describes a field for the purpose of serialization. |
Paint.Align |
Align specifies how drawText aligns its text relative to the
[x,y] coordinates. |
Paint.Cap |
The Cap specifies the treatment for the beginning and ending of
stroked lines and paths. |
Paint.Join |
The Join specifies the treatment where lines and curve segments
join on a stroked path. |
Paint.Style |
The Style specifies if the primitive being drawn is filled, stroked, or
both (in the same color). |
Path.Direction |
Specifies how closed shapes (e.g. |
Path.FillType |
Enum for the ways a path may be filled
PathDashPathEffect.Style |
PorterDuff.Mode |
Preference |
Represents the basic Preference UI building
block displayed by a PreferenceActivity in the form of a
ListView . |
PreferenceCategory |
Used to group Preference objects
and provide a disabled title above the group. |
PreferenceGroup |
A container for multiple
Preference objects. |
PreferenceScreen |
Represents a top-level Preference that
is the root of a Preference hierarchy. |
Program.TextureType |
TextureType specifies what textures are attached to Program
ProgramFragmentFixedFunction.Builder.EnvMode |
EnvMode describes how textures are combined with the existing
color in the fixed function fragment shader
ProgramFragmentFixedFunction.Builder.Format |
Format describes the pixel format of textures in the fixed
function fragment shader and how they are sampled
ProgramRaster.CullMode |
ProgramStore.BlendDstFunc |
Specifies the functions used to combine incoming pixels with
those already in the frame buffer. |
ProgramStore.BlendSrcFunc |
Specifies the functions used to combine incoming pixels with
those already in the frame buffer. |
ProgramStore.DepthFunc |
Specifies the function used to determine whether a fragment
will be drawn during the depth testing stage in the rendering
pipeline by comparing its value with that already in the depth
buffer. |
Proxy.Type |
Enum class for the proxy type. |
Region.Op |
RenderScript.Priority |
RenderScript worker threads priority enumeration. |
RetentionPolicy |
Defines an enumeration for annotation retention policies. |
RingtonePreference |
A Preference that allows the user to choose a ringtone from those on the device. |
RoundingMode |
Specifies the rounding behavior for operations whose results cannot be
represented exactly. |
RouteInfo.LayerType |
The layering type of a route. |
RouteInfo.TunnelType |
The tunnelling type of a route. |
RowIdLifetime |
An enumeration to describe the life-time of RowID. |
RunnableScheduledFuture<V> |
A ScheduledFuture that is Runnable . |
SSLEngineResult.HandshakeStatus |
The enum describing the state of the current handshake. |
SSLEngineResult.Status |
The enum describing the result of the SSLEngine
operation. |
Sampler.Value |
ScheduledFuture<V> |
A delayed result-bearing action that can be cancelled. |
Shader.TileMode |
Short |
The wrapper for the primitive type short . |
ShortBuffer |
A buffer of shorts. |
SmsMessage.MessageClass |
This enum is deprecated.
Use android.telephony.SmsMessage.
String |
An immutable sequence of characters/code units (char s). |
SupplicantState |
From defs.h in wpa_supplicant . |
SwitchPreference |
A Preference that provides a two-state toggleable option. |
TextKeyListener.Capitalize |
TextUtils.TruncateAt |
TextView.BufferType |
Thread.State |
A representation of a thread's state. |
Time |
Java representation of an SQL TIME value. |
TimeUnit |
A TimeUnit represents time durations at a given unit of
granularity and provides utility methods to convert across units,
and to perform timing and delay operations in these units. |
Timestamp |
A Java representation of the SQL TIMESTAMP type. |
TwoStatePreference |
Common base class for preferences that have two selectable states, persist a
boolean value in SharedPreferences, and may have dependent preferences that are
enabled/disabled based on the current state. |
Type.CubemapFace |
A Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies an abstract or physical
resource, as specified by RFC
2396. |
UUID is an immutable representation of a 128-bit universally unique
identifier (UUID). |
Uri |
Immutable URI reference. |
ViewDebug.HierarchyTraceType |
Defines the type of hierarhcy trace to output to the hierarchy traces file. |
ViewDebug.RecyclerTraceType |
Defines the type of recycler trace to output to the recycler traces file. |
WebSettings.LayoutAlgorithm |
This enum is deprecated.
This enum is now obsolete.
WebSettings.PluginState |
The plugin state effects how plugins are treated on a page. |
WebSettings.RenderPriority |
WebSettings.TextSize |
This enum is deprecated.
Use setTextZoom(int) and getTextZoom() instead.
WebSettings.ZoomDensity |
Enum for specifying the WebView's desired density. |
Xml.Encoding |
Supported character encodings. |