public static class


extends Object
   ↳ android.renderscript.ProgramStore.Builder

Class Overview

Builder class for ProgramStore object. If the builder is left empty, the equivalent of BLEND_NONE_DEPTH_NONE would be returned


Public Constructors
ProgramStore.Builder(RenderScript rs)
Public Methods
ProgramStore create()
Creates a program store from the current state of the builder
ProgramStore.Builder setBlendFunc(ProgramStore.BlendSrcFunc src, ProgramStore.BlendDstFunc dst)
Specifies how incoming pixels are combined with the pixels stored in the framebuffer
ProgramStore.Builder setColorMaskEnabled(boolean r, boolean g, boolean b, boolean a)
Enables writes into the color buffer
ProgramStore.Builder setDepthFunc(ProgramStore.DepthFunc func)
Specifies the depth testing behavior
ProgramStore.Builder setDepthMaskEnabled(boolean enable)
Enables writes into the depth buffer
ProgramStore.Builder setDitherEnabled(boolean enable)
Enables dithering
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public ProgramStore.Builder (RenderScript rs)

Since: API Level 11

Public Methods

public ProgramStore create ()

Since: API Level 11

Creates a program store from the current state of the builder

public ProgramStore.Builder setBlendFunc (ProgramStore.BlendSrcFunc src, ProgramStore.BlendDstFunc dst)

Since: API Level 11

Specifies how incoming pixels are combined with the pixels stored in the framebuffer

src specifies how the source blending factor is computed
dst specifies how the destination blending factor is computed
  • this

public ProgramStore.Builder setColorMaskEnabled (boolean r, boolean g, boolean b, boolean a)

Since: API Level 11

Enables writes into the color buffer

r specifies whether red channel is written
g specifies whether green channel is written
b specifies whether blue channel is written
a specifies whether alpha channel is written
  • this

public ProgramStore.Builder setDepthFunc (ProgramStore.DepthFunc func)

Since: API Level 11

Specifies the depth testing behavior

func function used for depth testing
  • this

public ProgramStore.Builder setDepthMaskEnabled (boolean enable)

Since: API Level 11

Enables writes into the depth buffer

enable specifies whether depth writes are enabled or disabled
  • this

public ProgramStore.Builder setDitherEnabled (boolean enable)

Since: API Level 11

Enables dithering

enable specifies whether dithering is enabled or disabled
  • this